From something that only people in the army used to get done, tattoos have become more widespread than ever before! One in five people in the United States is said to be tattooed according to a survey in 2012. Since then, many others have gotten a tattoo or two so that number could be much higher. But with the rise of tattoos, many Christians could be curious about the question, “can we go to heaven with tattoos”?
God and His teachings are carried out in the holy Bible. In it, we can find one such line that was passed down to his disciple. However, over the many thousands of years, the context of the verse might be completely different from what it used to be. Even other verses in the Bible can create confusion in the minds of Bible scholars. Due to the vagueness, many Christians question about tattoos and if they can enter heaven with them or not. So let’s see if we can find the answer we are looking for in the Bible and the teachings of Christ.
Key Takeaways
- Leviticus 19:28 is the only direct statement in the Bible about tattoos, but it is not the complete story about tattoo and heaven.
- A tattoo will not harm the Spirit that resides in your body but it is good to understand why the Bible had said otherwise.’
- Tattoos are not sinful and some can be permitted to be marked on a person as long as it is appropriate.
- Get a tattoo removed so that you can be more in life with Christian beliefs. But, it is up to you to decide that.
What Bible Teaches About Tattoos?
The Bible has many verses that talk about morality and what is a sin or not. When it comes to tattoos, there might be only one direct statement that may refer to getting a tattoo. So let’s see what that verse has to say about it.

Context of Leviticus 19:28
The Bible verse of Leviticus 19:28 states “You shall not make gashes in your flesh for the dead or tattoo yourselves”. So the Bible teaches that getting a tattoo is forbidden, right? However, Bible scholars have researched this scripture further and found some key points that might need context.
The context for this is that when Leviticus said these words in the Bible, he was referring to the pagan nations and their mourning rituals. People from these places used to have tattoo marks on their bodies to mourn the dead. This was in line with the worship of pagan gods which was deemed to be something that Christians should not follow. Thus it was forbidden to get a tattoo in the Bible as a result.
But God had made the humans in the image of himself and given them the glorious body. When people get permanent marks like a tattoo on their bodies, it is considered a sin, which is what God did not want Christians to do. He wanted Christians to have faith while living in their earthly home and wait for their new bodies in Heaven.
Contradiction in Ephesians 2:8-9
However, not everything is as it seems in the Bible. There is another line of Bible verse that contradicts this point. In Ephesians 2:8-9, it is stated “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourself; it is the gift of God. Not of works; lest any man should boast“. What this scripture means is that faith is enough to go to heaven. While Leviticus considered tattoos on the body a sin, it depends on the situation at the time to really understand why it was considered a sin.
That is why it is important that tattoos and going to heaven are unrelated. It was thinking at the time. Believers argue over this because the scripture in the Bible states that you cannot enter heaven if you sin. But God is forgiving of your sins and if you have faith then you would be able to go to heaven with tattoos.
Violation of the Holy Spirit: True or False

People with tattoos who are Christians also might ask if a tattoo is violating the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit resides in our body and is released when we die, so our body is considered a sacred temple of the Holy Spirit. As a temple of the Holy Spirit, people with tattoos wonder if God has forbidden making marks on the body and if it will prevent people from entering heaven.
This was said in the Bible verse Corinthians 6:19-20, which states “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body”. While God may have said to honor the body, then is to get a tattoo damaging the temple?
While tattoos harm you, it does not diminish their worth to God. In your life, if you have kept the faith, remained good to God and His word, did not wrong that you didn’t ask for salvation, and went to church, you are not harming the temple. The Lord does not see it like that, thus that should answer your question if tattoos violate the Spirit or not.
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Is Tattoo a Sin?
The last part of Corinthians of honoring God with your body is the interesting part. Some people get tattoos that glorify God, so is that considered a sin? Technically speaking, the verse and words in the Bible do not directly suggest that tattoos are a sin or not. It might be wrong to harm your skin but tattoos themselves are not sinful. This is because some tattoos are permitted in Christianity

Tattoos Permitted in Christianity
Small to medium tattoos are considered to be fine for Christians to get. The Lord does not mind that tattoos that can help you and help express yourself and your faith. But to glorify god in your tattoo might be considered inappropriate. Godless elements are also considered to be sinful and not for Christians as it goes against their faith. The church will condemn such acts as it goes against God and would consider them person as evil. Believers should be wary of Christians who have such tattoos.
Believers are allowed to print the word of their Lord and Jesus Christ on their skin. It can give a person the hope and faith they need to get through the day. If it enables a person to be faithful and true to Christ and His beliefs, then believers are allowed to wear tattoos on their skin. Just make sure they are appropriate tattoos so you can seek salvation and safe passage to heaven.
Should I Get My Tattoo Removed?
When Christ rose 3 days later after he defeated death, he let go of his lowly body to ascend to heaven. Christ and his teachings are the teachings of God so you can be sure of believing in His teachings. Like Jesus Christ, if you are someone who was saved from your previous life, your tattoos shouldn’t matter. But the tattoos represented your past self so you could decide to get your tattoos removed to be more in life with your current life. As long as you talk to a medical professional and find out if you can have the procedure safely or not, tattoo removal is considered to be okay in the church’s eye.
What does the Pope say about tattoos?
The Pope told priests to “not be scared of tattoos” as it could be a way to connect with the younger generation.
Do you go to heaven with tattoos?
Once you are in heaven, you will lose your mortal body and your tattoos. So no, you won’t go to heaven with tattoos.
Will I go to hell for my tattoos?
It depends on what type of tattoo you have. Heavy tattoos and evil tattoos are considered to be sins so you should avoid those types of tattoos.
Final Thoughts
Hopefully with this, you have gotten the answer to the question “can we go to heaven with tattoos”. Tattooing is a painful process but that is not something that will harm the temple of the Spirit. Your life on Earth should be spent believing in the faith you want to follow and many Christians have tattoos. As long you don’t have evil tattoos you are okay to have tattoos on your body. As long as you have faith, heaven will always be a place that will accept you. Believing in Christ, God, and everyone’s teaching will lead you to heaven regard of what mark you have. When you are dead, heaven will become your new home.
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