Often people forget that the tattoo process is more than just getting the ink inside your skin. There are many steps that you will need to take before even confirming the booking of the actual tattoo appointment itself! One thing that can help your tattoo appointment and make the process easier for you and your artist is to have a tattoo consultation.
So what is a tattoo consultation? It is basically a sit-down with your tattoo artist to go over the tattoo that you want to be done. No one can tell you about a tattoo better than the tattoo artist themselves. In this consultation, they will go over various things about your tattoo. It might be a simple thing, but a consultation like this is very important.
Along with its importance, you will also need to know how to prepare for the appointment and what to expect from it. A lot of people tend to skip this part of the tattoo process so be sure to know everything about a consultation before going through one!
Key Takeaways
- It is best to contact the shop first to book a consultation and then take the necessary preparation for it.
- There are many things you can ask about during the tattoo consultation so be sure to be open about any concerns and questions you might have.
- As the day of your tattoo appointment approaches, there are some things you can do to prepare yourself.
Booking and Preparing for a Tattoo Consultation
There is a myth about a walk-in tattoo appointment that I want to dispel immediately to highlight the importance of a tattoo consultation. Yes, some tattoo artists will do a walk-in client, but only with the designs that they have drawn. You cannot expect a tattoo artist to stencil a portrait design of your favorite artist from a walk-in! That is where a tattoo consultation comes in handy. You get to sit down with your artist and go over your tattoo.

So before we get to what you can expect from a consultation, it is important to learn some things about booking a tattoo consultation.
- Free consultation: most shops will offer a free consultation about tattooing in general and about your tattoo itself.
- Emailing beforehand: make the first contact with your tattoo artist by emailing the shop that they work for or calling the shop to book a consultation.
- Not on phone: don’t expect much from a phone call other than booking the consultation, it is hard to go over details without first meeting in person.
- Walk-in possibility: while this might be an inconvenience for the shop, if an artist is free they should be more than willing to provide a consultation there.
- Time: ask the shop about how long the consultation will be. A tattoo artist’s time is precious.
It is common courtesy to let the tattoo shop know that you are coming in for a consultation so be sure to contact them in advance! So now that you have booked your consultation, let’s get you ready for the actual consultation part with these tips.
- Bring references: make sure to bring in as many references as possible for the design you want. It would be most helpful to the artist if there is a similar design that was already done.
- Know what you want: your tattoo artist can’t read your mind, so be sure to know exactly what you want before coming to the shop.
- Come on time: a tattoo consultation is important so be sure to arrive early so that you can talk to your tattoo artist with ample time.
- Research the shop: try to know as much about the artist that shop you chose and look through their portfolio properly. Also get to know their consultation policies.
- Prepare the deposit: if the consultation is successful, then the artist will ask for a deposit to book them for the specified date of the tattoo appointment. So make sure you have money on hand for the deposit. It can range from 100$ to 300$.
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Tattoo Consultation Expectation
So now that we got the booking out of the way, it is time to know exactly what goes on a tattoo consultation. So here are what you can expect from your tattoo consultation.
Size and placement

Your tattoo artist will want to know about the size and where you want to get tattooed. Be sure to show them where you want it and how big you want the tattoo to be. Sometimes in a consultation, you will be advised about the placement because different parts of the body have varying difficulties. So be open about it during your consultation.

I will be very blunt, tattoos will hurt; a lot! So ask about the pain to your tattoo artist and bring up any concerns about it. Ask about numbing cream and if you can use it or not. It is important to discuss that because most artists will reject or reschedule your appointment if you show up with numbing cream. You can ask them if they will use numbing creams because some artists will allow it. But make sure to ask about it in the consultation! This is also a good time to ask them about tattoo aftercare and if they offer the products at the shop or if you will have to buy them beforehand. This is because after the inking is done, you will need to care for the tattoo like a wound. So make sure to ask that too!

During the consultation, you will be asked if you want any colors or not. This is because the artist will have to prepare the color beforehand and will give you the rundown on what colors will work on your skin. Some colors will look better on your skin tone than others so be sure to ask about colors when you meet for the consultation.
Tattoo style

There are many different styles of tattoos out there. New school, old school, and realism are just to name a few. At the consultation, you will be asked if you have any preference for a style for the tattoo you want. So be sure to ask them in-depth about the style.
Health concerns

This is exactly the time to bring up any health concerns you might have about the tattoo. A new tattoo is an open wound that needs to be taken care of very carefully so if you have any worries about that you should definitely open up about that. Ask about any medication you are on and consult with your artist. Much like a doctor’s consultation, be open about everything. It might come in handy when your tattoo works on your tattoo on your skin.
Choosing your artist

The consultation can be the place where you meet the tattoo artist who will do your tattoo for the first time! You might talk to one artist, but they can refer to others in the shop who are more specialized in the style you might prefer. Don’t be afraid to talk to the person about the best artist they can recommend for your type of tattoo. A client and artist will have a personal connection because a tattoo is personal. So be sure to pick an artist that suits your tastes!
Budget and pricing

Tattoos are not cheap. They will be expensive. So if you are on a tight budget, be sure to talk about that with the artist giving you the consultation. They can give valuable suggestions, such as tapout sessions, to help accommodate your budget. It is very important because the artist’s time and the material preparation can quickly add up. Know how much you want to spend and discuss that during the consultation. The tattoo artist can also give you an estimation of the price you might rack up for the tattoo you are getting. Be sure to get a quote on the price before you leave the consultation.
Finalizing booking

If everything looks good, you can definitely set up the tattoo appointment with the artist you want right in the consultation. Make sure to pick a time when you are free for the whole day. The tattoo process doesn’t end after the inking is done. You will need to take care of the tattoo afterward and it will need time too! You will also be weak after getting pierced so many times, so be sure to rest up after you go back home. When you are done finalizing, you will have to pay a deposit at the consultation to book the artist. So make sure to bring some cash or your card to pay for the deposit.
Cancellation policies

Sometimes, an emergency situation might occur. Us artist understand that you might want to cancel. So be sure to discuss possible cancellations and the shop’s cancellation policies so you are prepared for it as the time approaches for your tattoo appointment.
Tips to Prepare for the Tattoo Appointment After Consultation

Now that you have had your consultation, gotten a date for your tattoo appointment, and made all the necessary deposits, it is now time to prepare for the big day. Here are 12 things you can do to help with preparing for the tattoo appointment.
- Don’t haggle for lower prices.
- Dress appropriately for the appointment; wear loose clothing.
- Shower and shave the area where you are getting a tattoo; don’t use scents and moisturizers.
- Don’t bring a large group of people to the shop; bring a close friend if you want.
- Don’t drink 24 hours before the appointment.
- Have a healthy meal before the appointment.
- Bring water so you stay hydrated during the session.
- Avoid blood thinning medications.
- Arrive early so that your tattoo artist can start preparing the materials and equipment.
- Don’t distract the artist; you can talk to them while they are working but make sure that they are comfortable too.
- Be sure to tip about 20 to 30% of the total cost; tipping is an industry-standard.
- Don’t forget to bring cash or your card!
Can you get multiple tattoo consultations?
A shop will be more than happy to do more than one consultation! But the second consultation might cost you money so be prepared for that.
Is a tattoo consultation necessary?
It might not completely necessary, but having one before you get a tattoo is very important! It can help make the tattooing process way easier and give you the peace of mind to get the tattoo worry-free.
How long does a tattoo consultation last?
A tattoo consultation lasts about 20 minutes. It is just enough time to discuss everything mentioned above while also not taking up the artist’s time too.
Final Thoughts
And with that, you now know everything there is about a tattoo consultation! Consultation might be a minor inconvenience for you, but a tattoo will be something you have had for a long time. Therefore, a consultation in my eyes is a must before you get a tattoo. After you build a rapport with a tattoo artist or the shop, you might not even need proper consultation and discuss things casually. But for newcomers to the tattoo world, be sure to grab a consultation before you get a tattoo!
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