Septum Piercing Pain Scale 1-10

I know many people back out from the idea of having a piercing just because of the pain they may feel during the piercing procedure. Getting pierced on a sensitive and delicate area like the septum can cause even more fear. But do you know what the septum piercing pain is on a scale of 1-10?

Some piercings may hurt a bit more but that does not mean all piercings will cause you severe pain. Septum piercing is on the trend now, and it can be a fine way to express yourself. Backing off from the decision to get a septum piercing without knowing exactly how much it could hurt is not the brightest idea. You should do your research and know the details so that you can make an informed decision regarding septum piercing. To help you decide I will be elaborating everything you need to know about septum piercing pain scale and more.

Septum Piercing: What Is It

Septum Piercing: What Is It

Septum piercing is not a nostril piercing. These two are totally different types of nose piercing. So, what is a septum piercing?

Septum piercing is getting your septum or the thin skin between your nostrils pierced. In septum piercing, you get the membrane or the dividing wall between your nostrils pierced. Do not worry the area or the membrane is not solid like bone, it is made of soft tissues and feels meaty. Which makes the septum piercing quite easy.

Getting your septum pierced does not cause any issues with breathing or the functionality of your nose. You can get a septum piercing without any worry.

Understanding Pain Scale

The pain scale is basically, a way to determine the level of pain one is feeling. This pain scale has numbers 1 to 10. If someone feels slight pain like a small ant bit then it can mean 1 on the pain scale, and if someone feels a severe amount of pain that is almost unbearable then it can mean 10 on the pain scale. Usually, this tool is used in the medical field to determine a patient’s pain level but it can be used anywhere to know what someone’s pain level is. You can use the pain scale measurement system to get an idea of how painful it is to get a septum piercing.

Septum Piercing Pain Scale: How Much Does It Hurt?

Septum Piercing Pain Scale: How Much Does It Hurt

Septum piercing does not hurt much compared to getting a piercing on other body parts. So, how much does septum piercing hurt on a pain scale of 1-10?

The septum piercing pain scale count is around 4 out of 10. The pain of septum piercing is considered low or medium. Some even claim they felt almost no pain and gave a rocking 2 out of 10 on the pain scale after getting their septum pierced.

The reason for the low level of pain is, that you don’t actually get your nose cartilage pierced. Getting pierced on the cartilage can cause some serious pain. So, your piercer looks for the sweet spot to slide the piercing needle without causing you much pain. The sweet spot is near the tip of your nose and this area is quite soft just like jelly. You may get watery eyes when your septum is pierced but the pain level will be definitely lower compared to getting pierced on other body parts. You may feel weird like something is thinking inside your nose, but that’s about it. If you are worried that you will feel excruciating pain just because the inside of your nose is sensitive, don’t be. Find a professional piercer who will pierce exactly on your sweet spot of the septum and make the procedure as painless as possible.

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7 Factors Affecting The Pain Level of Septum Piercing

Factors Affecting The Pain Level Of Septum Piercing

There are quite a few factors that may affect the amount of pain you feel when you get your septum pierced. I have explained a few of them below, make sure to check them out.

1. Pain threshold

Pain tolerance level or pain threshold is not equal for everyone. People feel pain at different levels. If you are someone with a higher pain threshold then you may feel less pain during your septum piercing but if you have a lower pain threshold then you may feel a bit more pain compared to others.

2. Location

As I said earlier you are supposed to get the piercing on the sweet spot or on the soft skin near the tip of your nose. If you choose a newbie piercer who pierced your cartilage instead of the soft skin, then you will feel an increased amount of pain.

3. Needle gauge

The needle gauge or thickness of the needle can affect the pain level as well. If the needle gauge has a higher number that means it is thin and will cause less pain. On the other hand, if the needle gauge has a lower gauge number that means is thicker and will cause less pain when you get your septum pierced.

4. Choosing the right piercer

Choosing the right piercer is very crucial. And by right piercer, I mean an experienced piercer and not a newbie. An experienced piercer will know what technique to apply while piercing your septum so that you feel less pain. On the other hand, a newbie piercer may not know about techniques or septum piercing that causes less pain.

5. Jewelry choice

The jewelry type and size can affect the septum piercing pain as well. When you get pierced you are supposed to wear the jewelry right away. Wearing thicker jewelry will cause more pain and discomfort compared to lightweight and thin jewelry.

6. Nasal anatomy

The nose and septum can differ from person to person. If someone has a thicker septum then it may require more force to pierce which may lead to increased pain. On the other hand, someone with a thin septum may have an easier time getting it pierced.

7. Stress

Getting stressed is not good. Stress makes you feel more pain. I get it, just the idea of getting pierced by a needle can be a bit stressful. But if you talk to your piercer and learn the details of the procedure then you will feel less stressed.

3 Ways to Reduce Pain of Septum Piercing

Ways To Reduce Pain Of Septum Piercing

There are many ways to reduce the pain of septum piercing. You can apply them to feel less pain during the piercing procedure. I have listed a few ways below, make sure to follow them when you get your septum pierced.

1. Deep breathing

Taking deep breaths before and during the piercing procedure can help you stay calm and make you feel less pain. Breathing exercises work for any sort of piercing and tattooing as well.

2. Choosing a professional piercer

A professional piercer will know where to pierce, they will pierce your septum in the right place so that you don’t feel much pain. Not to mention they can apply special piercing techniques that will cause less pain during the procedure.

3. Pain relief

You can go for over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen to reduce your septum-piercing pain after the procedure. Some piercing artists may use a numbing agent to numb the area after the septum piercing procedure as well.

Septum Piercing Pain After The Procedure

You will feel slight pain during the septum piercing procedure. You may think that’s the only pain you had to experience as the procedure is over there will be no more pain. Well, you can not be any further from the truth.

After getting your septum pierced, you will feel some pain and discomfort for about 2 more days. After the 2-day mark the tenderness will be reduced and so will the pain. Even though it may take around 7 weeks for the septum piercing to heal, you won’t be feeling much pain after a few days of getting your septum pierced. During the healing time if you touch the jewelry or for some reason, the pierced area gets irritated then you may feel slight pain.

Pros & Cons of Septum Piercing

A few pros and cons of septum piercing are:


  1. Awesome fashion statement.
  2. You can easily hide septum-piercing jewelry if you need to. Just choose a smaller piece of jewelry that can be easily concealed.
  3. Less painful.
  4. Easy aftercare.
  5. Shorter healing time compared to other body part piercing.
  6. Various kinds of jewelry to choose from.


  1. Usually septum piercing comes in larger gauges.
  2. If you accidentally flip the jewelry or ring then you may face difficulty breathing.
  3. Mucus or bugger may get stuck on your septum piercing.
  4. Sometimes the jewelry may cause a tingling feeling.

5 Reasons to Get Your Septum Pierced

Reasons To Get Your Septum Pierced

There are plenty of reasons to get your septum pierced. I have provided a few of the reasons below, who knows these reasons may convince you to get a septum piercing.

1. Fashion and style

Septum piercings have become a popular fashion statement. Many people find them aesthetically pleasing and view them as a way to express their unique style. You can get a septum piercing to enhance your overall outlook, and style and be part of the the trendy fashion.

2. Standing out from the crowd

Septum piercing can be a distinctive type of piercing. It can help you stand out from the crowd. If you want to maintain your individuality without putting much effort then getting yourself a septum piercing can be a fine idea.

3. Trend and popularity

Septum piercing is on the trend now. Be a part of the trend and it may help you become more popular.

4. Visibility

Piercings are not suitable for all setups. Your office or certain establishment may not permit you to wear piercings. What will you do in such circumstances? Not wearing piercing jewelry even for a few hours can cause the pierced hole to get narrow. But you won’t be having any issues with septum piercing. Because there is some small septum jewelry that you can push or turn upward and it won’t be visible anymore, cool right?

5. Less painful

The septum piercing procedure is the least painful area on your body. If you are thinking of getting a piercing then why not go for a septum piercing? The pain is very minimal and you will have your first piercing experiment as well.

Septum Piercing Aftercare

Septum Piercing Aftercare

After getting your septum pierced you have to take proper aftercare of it. Not taking proper care can cause increased pain and irritation and it sometimes can lead to infection. Septum piercing getting infected can be nasty as you will smell the bad odor all the time if it gets infected. So, to reduce the pain and any complications you should follow proper aftercare steps that I have elaborated below.

1. Washing the area

Use lukewarm water and soap or saline solution to gently wash the septum piercing twice a day. If you feel the area is too sensitive then washing it once a day should be enough. Do not take the jewelry out to wash the area as it can further irritate the healing skin.

2. Lifestyle habit

How you sleep, how you wash your face, how you do your makeup everything can affect the healing septum. Your regular habit can any stress of friction on the septum piercing area then the healing time will be lengthened and it will cause you more discomfort.

3. Leave the jewelry for 6 weeks

Do not take out your piercing jewelry until the area is completely healed. You may need to keep the jewelry on your septum for about 6 weeks or more.

4. Do not use petroleum jelly

You may think using petroleum jelly on your septum piercing can help in the healing process. But in reality, it will not help with the healing, instead, it can cause dryness which could delay the healing. So, avoid using petroleum jelly on your helping septum.

5. Do not touch the jewelry unnecessarily 

Avoid touching your septum piercing unnecessarily. Touching it frequently may cause friction which could delay the healing process and cause you more pain.

6. Avoid harsh product

If you use harsh face wash or any beauty product then avoid using them your your septum is healing. If any harsh product gets into the septum piercing then it can cause irritation and delayed healing.

Final Thoughts

Getting your septum piercing can be a fine idea for you to get into piercing and body modification. You can wear small concealable jewelry on your septum that you can hide whenever it is necessary. There are many reasons why you should consider getting your septum pierced. A few reasons are fashion and style, standing out from the crowd, trend and popularity, visibility, and less pain.

On top of that, septum piercing hurts quite low compared to getting pierced on other body parts. On pain scare a septum piercing may get a number 4 out of 10. So, if you are worried about the pain level of the procedure then don’t worry, it not only hurts less but also heals very fast.

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