People get tattoos for many reasons. They can be connected to deep personal meanings that are related to something or someone close to the person. One thing that people get tattoos for is to raise awareness of an issue that they are personally related to. We all know about the pink ribbon to help raise awareness and show support for breast cancer. One other such ribbon-type tattoo that people get to raise awareness is the pink and blue colored ribbon.
So what does a pink and blue ribbon tattoo mean? Much like the breast cancer awareness symbolized by the pink ribbon, the pink and blue ribbon is much the same. It is to raise awareness of baby loss. Let’s learn more about the pink and blue ribbon, its origin, the sudden trend on social media like Tiktok, and who wears such a tattoo. It is all about helping to raise awareness so let’s appreciate the people that go through this hardship.
Key Takeaways
- The pink and blue ribbons have a deep meaning connected to the loss of a baby in infancy. It shows awareness of many tragic incidents related to it
- The origin of this tattoo started in October of 2002 by 3 American women before being spread all over the world.
- There are many other tattoo designs, such as the semicolon and the Medusa, that help to raise awareness.
- While it might be okay for someone directly affected by the tragedy to get a tattoo, temporary tattoos can also be worn to help with awareness and understanding.
Pink and Blue Ribbon Tattoo: Meaning
As I have mentioned before, the pink and blue tattoo is to help raise awareness for baby loss. There are many such awareness related to the pink and blue ribbon,

so let’s see some of the awareness associated with the ribbon:
- Baby Loss Awareness Week: observed in the week between the 9th and 15th of October in the USA, Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom)
- Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day: observed on October 15th as the day to show support for the babies lost during or right after childbirth
- Infantile disease and illness awareness: babies are vulnerable when they are born and the different illnesses that lead to their fatalities should be given more awareness
- Pyloric stenosis awareness: a fatal condition in the small intestines of an infant that has no cure
- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS): an unexplained cause of death in seemingly healthy infants below the age of one
- Miscarriage and Stillbirth Awareness: an unfortunate situation where the baby dies while still in the womb. This is to show support for the mothers who had lost their babies before they were even born
It might be hard to read about such situations. That is why the pink and blue ribbon symbol was created to help the bereaved family know that there is support for them out there in the world. It might be the solution to the devastating situation they are in, but it is important to show support and help let more people know about such a tragic situation.
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Origin of the Pink and Blue Ribbon
The origin of the pink and blue ribbon might be a bit obscured. While some suggest that it was started in the UK in 2002, it actually started in the USA. 15th October is dedicated to National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day, started by 3 American women in 2002. In 2006, it was recognized by Congress as an official remembrance day before spreading over the world as an international remembrance day. The whole month of October is dedicated to helping raise awareness of baby loss. It is done so that people understand and help grieving parents find support from each other.
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Awareness Through Tattoos on Social Media

In October 2022, the users of the social media Tiktok started a trend of showing off their pink and blue ribbon tattoos to show support to the parents and help raise awareness. In recent times, there have been many such tattoos that are dedicated to helping raise awareness.
The semicolon tattoo is another popular one that people sport on their bodies. It is show support for survivors of suicide. Much like a writer not ending a sentence, the semicolon is used as such, which is the meaning behind this tattoo.
The Medusa tattoo is also another popular tattoo to help show support to women who survived sexual assault. It is related to Greek mythology where the beautiful Medusa was assaulted and cursed. The tattoo helps to show support for the survivors.
Showcasing these tattoos on social media is a great way to help raise awareness for such situations. The reach of the internet is vast and the artwork that holds these symbols can help to understand such situations and inspire them to help someone going through whatever they are going through.
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Who Wears the Pink and Blue Ribbon Tattoo?
As it is related to the loss of a baby, such a tattoo is often gotten by parents who have lost their child. A loss is permanent. Getting a tattoo to remember what you have lost helps the parents grieve and deal with the loss.
You too could help raise awareness by getting a pink and blue ribbon tattoo. However, unless you are someone who had lost their baby, it might seem distasteful to get a permanent tattoo. You could get a temporary tattoo for the month of October to help raise awareness and show support for the people who are going through such a loss. It is a small price to pay to help the world have a better understanding of such a terrible situation.
Are there other ribbons that symbolize awareness?
Yes, there are many colors of ribbons that raise awareness for different things. They can be either a single color or a combination of colors. Be sure to find out all the meanings of symbols.
How long do temporary tattoos last?
Temporary tattoos last around 2 weeks, with them starting to wear out and start cracking after the first week. Temporary tattoos can be a good way to help raise awareness.
Why is a ribbon used for awareness?
Ribbons have been used for a long time to show awareness and support. It can be dated back to medieval knights, but in modern times it can be traced back to the 1950s to help show awareness for certain causes.
Final Thoughts
The tragic event of losing your baby can never be forgotten. It will haunt you and be a constant reminder that you will have to deal with for the rest of your life. Tattoos might not be a solution, but it shows strength and courage to be able to let the world know what you are going through. Tattoos can be a reminder for you to remain strong and be a reminder to not give up. Help others as you would expect them to help you, and make the world a better place by raising awareness for the loss of a baby.
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