Tattoo needles are not like normal sewing needles. They come with different shapes and sizes. Round, flat, bug pin, and magnum- these are some commonly used tattoo needles. Tattoo needles are a bit painful on human skin. But as a tattooist one should take care of hygiene while using that on a human body. The needle that you have already used on one person should not use on another person. But, if you are trying your tattoo needles on fake skin then you can go for reutilization.
Key Takeaways
- Reel skin and A Pound of Flesh – these two types of fake skins are commonly known in the tattoo industry and are used to practice tattoo crafts on them instead of using human skin.
- You should never reuse your needles unless you are trying on fake skin. For that, a green-soap solution is a way to remove the ink from your needle.
- The best way for tattoo sterilizing is to use an autoclave, which you will find at any tattoo shop or online.
- If you are using fake skin, then it will increase the flow of your hand on using tattoo machines.
What is Fake Skin for Tattooing?

Fake skins are sheets made of silicon or synthetic material and they can be square or rectangular in shape. There are mainly two types of fake skin that are prominent in the market. One is Reel skin and A Pound of Flesh.
Uses of Fake Skin
Tattooists use fake skin to practice their tattoo crafts on them instead of using their own skin or clients’. Also, it is the safest way for beginners to start this profession. Even if you want to try tattooing from your home, I would like to suggest you to use fake skin before you go for a real one.
Can You Reuse Tattoo Needles?
Reusing tattoo needles is never a good idea for tattooist. So, you should never reuse your needles. If you are not able to afford expensive needles, then go for the cheap ones. Again, reusing or sharing tattoo needles can spread infections and diseases.
Only exception is when you are using tattoo needles at your home, only for self-purpose. Then you can go for proper sterilization and use that needle again. But tattoo professionals should strictly avoid reusing and re-sharing tattoo needles.
Can You Reuse Tattoo Needles on Fake Skin?
Previously, we have discussed about fake skin and tattoo needles. Now, reusing your tattoo needles on fake skin might be a raising question here.
You can use the fake skins by flipping them. And about reusing the tattoo needles on fake skin, then you can just go for a green-soap solution to remove the ink from your needle. So, yes you can reuse your needle on fake skin until you think you need to change them. There is no risk behind reusing tattoo needles on fake skin as they cannot spread any infections or diseases. Ensure one more thing, that you are using a good tattoo needle and fake skin!
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How to Sterilize Tattoo Needles for Reusing on Fake Skin?

Boiling water, alcohol wipes, rubbing alcohol, bleach, pressure cookers, and many other methods are there that one will find on the internet saying that they can disinfect your tattoo needles. Well, my opinion is to avoid those ideas no matter whether you are using your needles on a fake skin or real one.
If you are using your needles on fake and real skin simultaneously then the best way for sterilizing is to use an autoclave. You will find that at any tattoo shop or online. Follow the directions properly. One more thing you need to remember is, pre-washing your needles before you put your needles in the autoclave. This process might take from one to two hours. Apart from that, you can sterilize your other tattoo equipment with the help of an autoclave.
Benefits of Practice Tattoo on Fake Skin
Practicing tattoos on fake skin is nothing new. People are using this technique for many years. Ancient people use to apply their tattoos on melons or animal hides to practice as a newbie. It’s obvious that nowadays nobody will be going to take that much trouble for practicing. Here, comes the word reel skin or A pound of flesh- popular as fake skin.
Although some use paper or cardboard to practice. But the real feel that you need to understand by piercing on the human body can only be possible with fake skins. Also, there are advantages as well. First of all, using fake skin will increase the flow of your hand on using tattoo machines. Then comes the matter of practicing. You can practice as per your requirements no matter how many times you need to! Also, no need to worry about the perfection during tattooing. Last but not least, you will feel the tenderness of human skin whereas other practicing methods cannot give you the same.
How thick should fake skin for tattooing be?
The skin for tattooing should be 3mm thick. Dimensions should be 16 x 24. The standard quality fake skin which should be available at any tattoo shop.
Is it better to practice tattooing on fake skin or fruit?
Fruit can be a bit hard if you are thinking about practicing. Why try old methods if there are modern techniques! Surely, fake skin would be the best option for practicing.
How often should you change your tattoo needles?
Tattoo needles should be changed after you have done using them. Needles should not be reused or re-shared as there are chances of skin infections.
Final Thoughts
In summary, human skin or fake skin – for a tattoo artist, that place is the canvas where he can show his creativity. On that note, the Tattoo needle is the brush or pencil to create art on those skins. As you have come to know that a little bit of maintenance can make it easier for you to practice tattoos on fake skin. Practice as much as possible on your favorite fake skin to be an expert.
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