Getting new tattoos is fun but also has some annoying limitations until your tattoo is healed. Until the tattoo is healed you can’t take prolonged showers or swim. As it can fade your newly done tattoo. But you can work around it and can go for a swim with your newly done tattoo. And it won’t affect your tattoo negatively at all. The trick is to wrap the tattoo with a waterproof warping and your tattoo will be safe!
But if you fail to apply it properly it may not be able to protect your tattoo from water damage. Not to mention choosing the right quality wrap to protect your tattoo from water also matters. So how to apply waterproof tattoo wrap for swimming? Today, I will explain how to apply waterproof tattoo wrap from swimming and why should you use these wraps for your tattoos in this piece.
Key Takeaways
- Waterproof tattoo wrap can protect your tattoo from water damage and let you go for a swim with a new tattoo without any worry.
- To apply a waterproof tattoo wrap cut the wrap according to your need and apply by peeling off the unnecessary layer. To remove it apply hot warm water and gently peel the wrap from your skin.
- You should use waterproof tattoo wrap to prevent water damage, infection, irritation, etc.
- Waterproof tattoo wrap is completely safe to use for healing tattoos and it does not have any side effects. On top of that these wraps are breathable so your tattooed skin won’t feel suffocated.
- The qualities of a good waterproof tattoo wrap are stretchiness, breathable, quality adhesive, etc.
- Applying Vaseline or petroleum jelly over a tattoo wrap makes it more secure and prevents any chance of water getting inside the tattoo wrap.
- If your tattoo has stopped scabbing and peeling, no more pain, and the tattoo does not look faded or blurry anymore then it is healed and you can go for a swim without wearing any waterproof tattoo wrap.
Why Are Waterproof Tattoo Wrap for Swimming?
Tattoos require extra care during their healing phase. There are quite a few dos and don’ts you have to follow during the healing time. You have to wash the tattoo daily, apply moisturizer, avoid direct sunlight, avoid rubbing, scratching, picking the tattoo, etc. Another crucial thing you should not do is swim or take a prolonged shower. But thanks to tattooing modernization, now we have tattoo wrap that not only protects our tattoo from getting rubbed but also protects it from water.
There are plenty of specially formulated and designed wraps on the market that are completely waterproof and can protect your tattoo completely no matter how long you take a shower or go for a swim.
There are no harm or side effect of wearing a waterproof tattoo wrap on your newly done tattoo. Just make sure it is a quality wrap, cheap or low-quality wrap may contain harmful chemicals or may lack the capability to block water and protect your tattoo completely. As long as you choose a high-quality waterproof tattoo wrap to use, your tattoo will be safe and protected from water.
How to Apply & Remove Waterproof Tattoo Wrap for Swimming?
Applying waterproof tattoo wrap correctly is crucial. As it may not be able to protect your tattoo from water if applied incorrectly.
Applying a waterproof tattoo wrap
Follow the step-by-step guide below to apply waterproof tattoo wrap before you go for a swim.
1. Wash the tattoo
In general, you should be washing your tattoo twice a day as long as it is in the healing phase. So washing before applying the wrap is recommended. The wrap may stay on the tattoo for some time. and if the tattoo had some oil or bodily fluid or dirt on it then it will be trapped under the wrap, which we do not want. That is why washing the tattoo before applying wrap over it is always a good idea.
2. Cut the wrap
When you pull the wrapping paper from the wrapping box, it will be wider and longer in size. So cut the wrapping paper according to your need. You can use a scissor to cut it without any issue.
3. Apply the wrapping paper or film
Now to apply the wrapping paper, peel the white protective layer and apply the adhesive side of the wrapping paper over the tattoo. It should stick nice and firmly, just give it a gentle press if it is not sticking on its own.
4. Remove the layer of the wrap
Now remove the see-through layer from the top side of the wrap. Be careful, as while you pull this top layer you may pull the bottom layer or the actual wrap.
5. Apply petroleum jelly
Waterproof tattoo wraps are great on their own but it would never hurt to take an extra step of caution. To create more shield between your tattoo and water, apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly over the wrap. This will prevent water from reaching your wrap and even if any small amount touches the wrap it will be alright. Because the wrap is waterproof and capable of preventing any water from reaching your tattoo.
Removing waterproof tattoo wrap
When you are done swimming or showering make sure to follow the below steps to remove the waterproof tattoo wrap:
1. Loosen up the adhesive
Depending on which brand of tattoo wrap you are using, taking off the bandage can be a bit tricky because of the adhesive. Some brand uses stronger adhesive which tend to stick on the skin and is difficult to get rid of. So apply plenty of warm water on the wrap. This will help to ease the stickiness of the wrap.
2. Rub essential oil on the edges
To get rid of the sticky adhesive comedy, apply essential oil like coconut oil or olive oil on the edge of the tattoo. Let the oil do its work and after applying and rubbing the oil you will notice the bandage has become loose and ready to come off.
3. Peel the bandage off the skin
Now gently peel the bandage off your skin. While peeling if you face any resistance or adhesive makes it is difficult to peel and pour more hot water on the area and loosen up the stickiness.
4. Wash the area
After peeling the wrap make sure to wash the area with a gentile soap to get rid of any remaining residue on the area. You may need to rub it to wash it nicely, but remember to use only your finger to rub the tattooed area, and do not use any washing cloth. Rubbing a healing tattoo with a washing cloth may fade or damage it.
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Why Should You Use a Waterproof Wrap for Swimming?
There are many reasons why you should use a waterproof wrap for swimming. I have listed a few vital reasons below:
1. Infection
When you go for a swim in your local community pool, river, pond, or sea, there are probably thousands of bacteria and germs in these water sources. When you go for a swim in such water sources, there is a high chance of catching an infection. Because your newly done tattoo is like a skin wound, until the tattoo heals this skin wound will require you to maintain some precautions. Splashing some dirty water or water that has bacteria and germs on an open wound is not a good idea right? The same logic goes for tattooing. If you let water from open water sources like pools, rivers, or sea touch your tattoo you will most likely get an infection. Getting a tattoo infection can ruin your tattoo and may put your health at risk.
2. Getting sick
Not using any protection and going for a shower with your healing tattoo can cause you various sicknesses. You may get rash, itchiness, catch, and infection which would lead to fever and other health complications.
3. Tattoo damage
Healing the tattooed area is very sensitive. Because the epidermis or the first layer of your skin is not healed yet. So soaking the unhealed area for a longer period of time may cause it to fade. As most ink would just get mixed with the water and leave your skin. Showering with an unhealed tattoo is one of the easiest ways you can damage your tattoo. Not to mention an infection caught by showering in an open water source can also damage your tattoo.
4. Discomfort
Feeling discomfort or irritation on the skin is another common issue for not wearing protective tattoo wraps before swimming. When you shower in a pool the harmful chemical of the pool such as chlorine can cause burning irritation on the healing tattooed area. Now you may think going for a swim on the open sea would be a safe choice as it does not contain any harmful chemicals and is all-natural. Well yes, it is natural but seawater contains various small creatures and larvae of jellyfish which coming in contact with the healing tattoo can cause itching and irritation.
5. Direct sunlight
When you are swimming out in the open, your tattoo will be exposed to direct sunlight without any protection. Sunlight can damage your tattoo by breaking the ink pigments. As a result, your tattoo will fade.
Is It Safe to Use a Waterproof Tattoo Wrap?
The word waterproof may remind you of a waterproof raincoat. Raincoats are heavy and mostly not breathable. Wearing a raincoat for an extended period of time may cause skin irritation. Now will the same thing happen when you use a waterproof wrap for a tattoo? Is it safe?
Yes, it is completely safe to use a waterproof wrap for tattoos. And no it won’t block air from entering, which means the wrap is breathable and will let your tattoo get air. A healing tattoo requires air to heal. If you prevent the healing tattoo from getting air for an extended period of time, it will prolong the healing time and may cause an overly moist tattoo. And it can lead to skin irritation and infection. You don’t have to worry about the tattoo not getting any air by applying waterproof as I mentioned earlier that it is breathable. Just be sure to take off the bandage after you are done swimming because even though the wrap is breathable, providing your healing tattoo with plenty of fresh air is always great.
Qualities of a Good Waterproof Tattoo Wrap
Using a cheap or bad-quality waterproof tattoo wrap is never recommended. A bad-quality tattoo wrap may not protect your tattoo from water, may not be breathable, or may not be stretchable. That is why it is crucial to choose the best waterproof tattoo wrap for swimming. How would you choose the best one?
Just keep in mind the below factors when you choose a tattoo wrap for swimming.
- Breathable wrap
The tattoo wrap should be breathable. Because your healing tattoo needs air and if you prevent it from getting any air for a long period of time it may get overly moist, which will lead to irritation and infection. - Stretchable wrap
The wrap should be stretchable. A non-stretchable wrap may cause tightness and friction. Which can cause irritation in the tattooed area. - Quality adhesive
A good quality adhesive will not stick to your skin. The adhesive of a good tattoo wrap should come off when you pull it. A wrap that has too strong or too weak adhesive of a tattoo wrap may cause issues like peeling off on its own during swimming or sticking too hard on the skin to peel. - Waterproof
The tattoo wrap must be waterproof. If it is not waterproof, then you cannot use it to protect your tattoo from water during swimming.
For How Long You Should Wear Tattoo Wraps for Swimming?
To put it straight, you should wear tattoo wraps for swimming until your tattoo is healed. The epidermis layer or the first layer of your skin takes around 14 days to heal. So it will take around 2 weeks for your tattoo to heal and after that, you will no longer need tattoo wrap to swim. After healing your tattoo will not get damaged by prolonged shower or swimming.
But the healing time varies from person to person. If you have a weak immune system you may need up to 3 months to heal your tattoo. So, take into consideration the strength of your immune system, and wound healing time to get an idea of how much time it would take for your tattoo to heal.
There is a second layer or the dermis layer of skin which also gets damaged or wounded during the tattooing process. It may take 3 to 6 months for the dermis layer to heal and then your tattoo will be considered old or mature. But to take a shower or go for a swim you don’t necessarily have to wait till your dermis layer skin to heal. Healing of the epidermis layer is good enough for you to submerge the tattoo into the water without fear of damaging it.
Signs That You Don’t Need Waterproof Tattoo Wrap for Swimming
There are many ways you can tell you do not need to wear tattoo wrap anymore for swimming. Which are:
- No more dry skin
It is normal for a healing tattoo to get dry. There will be visible dry skin on the tattooed area. But when the healing is completed the dry skin will go away on its own. - No more scabs
Scabbing is a natural process for healing wounds. A healing wound forms mild scabs. And when the healing is completed there should be no more scabs. As your tattoo heals there should be no more visible scabs after the 12-day mark. - Stopped peeling
A healing tattoo would peel. The peeling is mild and normal. When the peeling is stopped you can tell it’s healed. - No more cloudy for fade look
A healing tattoo does not look bright. It would look a bit dull or faded which is fine and it would go away when the tattoo is healed. - No pain or irritation
An unhealed tattoo would provide some discomfort, irritation, or pain. As long as the pain or irritation is there, it is not healed. But when you notice the tattoo does not hurt anymore that means it is healed. And now you can go for a swim without wearing a waterproof tattoo wrap.
How to waterproof a tattoo for swimming?
You can apply a waterproof tattoo wrap over the healing tattoo for swimming.
Can I apply Vaseline or petroleum jelly instead of a waterproof tattoo wrap for swimming?
No, but you can apply Vaseline or petroleum jelly over a waterproof tattoo wrap to make it more secure and more waterproof.
For how long do I have to use waterproof tattoo wrap for swimming?
You have to use waterproof tattoo wrap for swimming unit your tattoo is healed, which should be about 14 days after you get your tattoo.
Final Thoughts
Going for a swim after getting a tattoo or with a new tattoo is possible nowadays thanks to waterproof tattoo wrap for swimming. It protects your healing tattoo from water damage and is breathable so your tattooed skin won’t feel suffocated. Coming in contact with any open water source like a community pool, river, pond, or sea can cause infection and irritation to your healing tattoo. Not to mention submerging the healing tattoo for too long in any kind of water would fade the tattoo. Because until the tattoo is healed, it can leak tattoo ink into the water. The epidermis layer cannot provide much protection or shield the ink from coming out until it is healed. So applying a waterproof tattoo wrap before showering or swimming is a must.
Make sure to choose the right type of wrap that has qualities such as stretchiness, breathable, waterproof, quality adhesive, etc. And apply the wrap properly over the tattoo so that there is no leak for the water to get under the wrap.
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