Tattoo Scab Fell Off Raw Skin Underneath

If you have embarked on the colorful journey of getting a tattoo, then you might be familiar with the excitement of watching your ink transform from a fresh masterpiece to a healing work of art. But there is a phase you will face the scabbing phase, it can be the most annoying phase during the healing time. Your tattoo would look blurry and small scabs may form over your tattoo. Now, by accident, if these scabs fall off prematurely you will see raw skin underneath.

Scbas falling off prematurely is not a good sight. It can leave your healing tattoo unprotected and may cause fading too. How do you deal with such a situation if your scab falls off and raw skin shows underneath? That is exactly what I will be elaborating on in this article.

Key Takeaways

  • Scabs usually form within 3 to 4 days after getting the tattoo and it falls off on its own within 4 to 5 days.
  • Reasons why scabs may fall off prematurely are too much moisture, rubbing, tight clothing, picking or peeling, bad aftercare, infection, & allergies.
  • Issues regarding scabs falling off & raw skin underneath showing are increased irritation, tattoo fading, increased infection risk, delayed healing, tattoo distortion, increased sensitivity, & scarring.
  • Things to do if scabs fall off & raw skin underneath is exposed are do not panic, clean the area, apply antibacterial ointment, keep it moisturized, avoid friction, avoid sunlight, monitor for infection, & seek professional help.

Scab Falling Off & Raw Skin Underneath: Explained

Scabs are never a pretty sight but it is a part of your body to heal wounds. Tattooing is a sort of wound too. After you get a new tattoo, you may notice scabs right after 3 to 4 days. These scabs may last for 4 to 5 days on your skin before they fall off on their own.

Scabs may absorb some amount of liquid from from body including ink. Before falling off naturally they get dry and release the absorbed liquid and ink back into your skin. But if for some reason these scabs fall off prematurely, not only there is a chance of fading but also infection. Because premature falling of scabs will expose the healing tattooed area. If your scab falls off before 3 day mark then you will notice raw skin underneath, which means your tattoo is not healed yet.

7 Reasons Why Scab May Fall Off Prematurely

Reasons Why Scab May Fall Off Prematurely
Reasons Why Scab May Fall Off Prematurely

There are many reasons why your scabs may have fallen prematurely. In this portion, I have listed a few of the reasons below.

1. Too much moisture

Moister is good for your healing tattoo. Keeping the healing tattooed area mildly moisturized can fasten the healing process and reduce itchiness and dryness. But to reduce the itchyness and dryness if you apply too much lotion or cream, then the area would get too much moisture. It can cause oversaturation which would lead your scabs to absorb more liquid and become big and thick. Bigger and thicker scabs have a chance to fall off on their own prematurely. It would fade the tattoo and expose the healing raw skin underneath.

2. Rubbing

Rubbing the healing tattoo too vigorously is not recommended. If you rub the area too much while washing or drying then you may cause too much friction which could lead to scabs falling off prematurely.

3. Tight clothing

You should not wear tight clothing while your tattoo heals. Tight clothing may cause fabric friction. Too much fabric friction could lead your scabs to fall off prematurely.

4. Picking or peeling

Scabs can be itchy and a bit dry. Those dry, itchy scabs can be really tempting to pick on. If you pick or peel those scabs, it will cause the scabs to be removed prematurely.

5. Bad aftercare

Proper aftercare for healing tattoos is crucial. If you fail to take proper aftercare of your healing tattoos then the scabs may fall off prematurely.

6. Infection

Tattoo infection can be a nasty thing. If your tattoo gets infected then you may face many issues including scabs falling off prematurely.

7. Allergies

If you face any allergic reaction then the healing tattoo will be affected as well. The tattooed area may get swollen and the scabs may fall off prematurely.

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7 Issues Regarding Scabs Falling Off & Raw Skin Underneath Showing

Issues Regarding Scabs Falling Off & Raw Skin Underneath Showing
Issues Regarding Scabs Falling Off & Raw Skin Underneath Showing

If the scabs have fallen off prematurely from your tattoo then there is a high chance you will notice raw skin underneath. In such circumstances, you may face many issues. Such as:

1. Increased irritation

A healing tattoo will cause some mild irritation and pain. But if the scabs fall off prematurely and the raw skin underneath is exposed then the amount of pain and irritation you will feel will increase by a lot. You may face pain whenever you move that tattooed body part. Every time the tattooed skin gets scratched it would hurt. Sometimes the pain can be unbearable, in such circumstances you should visit a doctor immediately.

2. Tattoo fading

Now that the protection layer of your skin or the scabs have fallen prematurely, the healing tattooed skin will be exposed. If the dermis layer of the skin where the tattoo ink is injected gets exposed then the tattoo will easily get faded. When you wash the tattoo some amount of ink may come off, or even the slightest sunlight can fade the tattooed area.

3. Increased infection risk

Of course, you want to avoid getting an infection. But the raw skin where got your tattoo is exposed, which means the chance of your catching a tattoo infection has increased. You can very easily get infected if you do not take proper care of your healing tattoo.

4. Delayed healing

We all have plans. You probably made plans that after 2 weeks you will go on a vacation as your tattoo will be healed by then. But scabs falling off and your healing raw skin getting exposed can delay the healing time. Sometimes it may take up to a month to heal your tattoo if your scabs fall off prematurely.

5. Tattoo distortion

Scabs falling have a chance to cause tattoo distortion. If you have raw skin underneath then the chance of tattoo distortion will be more. Some parts of your tattoo may miss colors or skins and the final outcome would look weird.

6. Increased sensitivity

Without the protective skin, your raw healing skin would become more sensitive. Even a breeze or normal water may cause a sensation in your tattooed area.

7. Scarring

Scabs falling off and raw skin underneath can cause serious issues as it heals. The area may not regenerate new skins properly, which may lead to permanent scarring. Instead of getting a rad tattoo, you may end up with an uncomfortable scar.

8 Things To Do If Scabs Fall Off & Raw Skin Underneath Is Exposed

Things To Do If Scabs Fall Off & Raw Skin Underneath Is Exposed
Things To Do If Scabs Fall Off & Raw Skin Underneath Is Exposed

There are a few things you should be doing if the scabs from your tattoo have fallen and the raw skin from the underneath is exposed, such as:

1. Do not panic

First of all, I need you to stay calm and not panic. Panicking will not help your tattoo right now, alright? Take some breath of air and calm yourself.

2. Clean the area

Now, that you have calmed down, go ahead and give the tattooed area a gentle wash. There is no need to rub it, gently touch the area with your fingers and get rid of any dirt or oil buildup. You can use lukewarm water and soap that is fragrance-free.

3. Apply antibacterial ointment

Putting a quality tattoo-specific lotion will do but I highly recommend you apply an antibacterial ointment on the tattooed area. This will ensure the area is free of any bacteria and possible infection.

4. Keep it moisturized

Make sure the area stays well moisturized. If it gets dry you will feel more irritation, pain and the area will take more time to heal.

5. Avoid friction

Make sure to wear loose-fitted clothing and avoid getting anything that could cause friction. Any friction could greatly damage the raw skin and cause further irritation.

6. Avoid sunlight

You should not put sunscreen on the raw skin. So, make sure to avoid sunlight altogether. Exposing the area to sunlight will not only cause more irritation but will fade it easily.

7. Monitor for infection

Monitor the area carefully for infection. Signs of infection are:

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Increased pain and irritation
  • Rash
  • fever

8. Seek professional help

If the situation is not getting any better, or you have spotted any sign of infection then seek professional help. Visit a doctor and then consult with your tattoo artist to fix the situation.


If scabs fall off prematurely and raw skin is showing, is may tattoo ruined?

Just because the scabs have fallen prematurely and the raw skin from underneath is exposed does not mean your tattoo is ruined. If you take proper care and seek help from your doctor and tattoo artist, your tattoo can be saved.

Can my tattoo heal properly even if the scabs fall off prematurely?

Yes, your tattoo can still heal properly even after scabs have fallen prematurely. Just make sure to take proper aftercare.

Why is raw skin underneath after the scabs have fallen?

The raw skin means your tattooed area is still healing. Make sure to protect the raw skin until it heals completely. Or your tattoo may get faded, infected, and even distorted.

Final Thoughts

I understand, scabs falling off prematurely and raw skin showing up can be a bit frightening. But trust me, the situation can be handled and possible damages can be avoided if you take proper care. Proper care includes cleaning the area gently, applying antibacterial ointment, keeping the area moisturized, protecting it from the sunlight, avoiding friction, monitoring for infection, and seeing a doctor and your tattoo artist if needed.

If you do not take proper care some of the possible issues you may face are increased irritation, tattoo fading, increased infection risk, tattoo distortion, increased sensitivity, scarring, delayed healing, etc. Do not take the matter lightly if your scabs fall off and the raw skin on the tattooed area gets exposed. It requires some precise and delicate care or else things might get complicated.

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