Exploring The Reality | How Bad Does An Ankle Tattoo Hurt?

Tattoos on the ankle are getting increasingly popular among people. It is one of the body parts where you get to show off newly added art to people. For everyone, it is one of the favorite places to flash up their style whether wearing heel or low-height shoes. Even though it is a popular choice, the ankle is more of a boney structure. Due to thin skin, it still hurts to get a tattoo done in a such sensitive place.

So exactly how bad does an ankle tattoo hurt? There are different sides of the ankle where you might want to get a tattoo since the skin around the ankle is not necessarily the same! It is one of the painful experiences as there are so many nerve endings. Getting a tattoo is a big decision in life and it being done on one of the most sensitive parts of your body will add more cautious thoughts in your mind. In this article, we will get to know in detail about the pain an ankle tattoo can cause.

Key Takeaways

  • Ankle is one of the sensitive places in the body to get hurt by a tattoo.
  • There are 5 different spots where pain level varies on getting an ankle tattoo.
  • You can follow some steps to make your tattoo experience less painful.
  • Healing time of ankle tattoo ranges from 1-2 weeks or even longer in some cases.
  • Ankle tattoo tends to swell in many cases and varies for different people.
  • Aftercare for ankle tattoos is important and there are some steps like elevating, resting, cleaning, ice compression, moisturizer, and proper footwear that you can follow.
  • At one point, the ankle tattoo starts to fade like every other tattoo.

Ankle Tattoo Is Painful

Getting an ankle tattoo is one of the most painful experiences on your body. It has a few of the most uncomfortable spots to get a tattoo. People with the experience felt very pain while getting their tattoos done. The high intensity of the needles on the skin can be felt on the bone.

Thin skin makes the tattooing experience worse. Your whole body feels the rattling of the needles. This odd experience isn’t tolerable for everyone. Your leg may feel discomfort during tattooing. Being skinny or fat does not help as the skin feels the trauma, especially the nerves. The inserted ink also leaves a burning sensation. You may even feel mentally drained by the constant rattling pain to the bone.

Usually, small tattoos are preferable on the ankle area due to their small space. Due to the area being very sensitive, it is not recommended to get their first ankle tattoo. Even if you still feel interested to get an ankle tattoo, then talk with your tattoo artist for a better experience.

The ankle goes through a lot of movement and constant use. Also, the significant amount of bending means the skin gets stretched and compresses back making it endure pain. Shoes or pants cause friction with the skin while moving. There is a higher chance that your tattoo will get rubbed while walking, running, etc.

Ankle tattoo pain spots

Tattoos are done on different parts of the ankle. The pain that each area endures is different from one another. The delicate parts of the ankle are:

  1. Inner Ankle – This area is comparatively less painful than others as is the fleshiest part.
  2. Outer Ankle – The most painful part of the ankle and has several nerves and tendons that are close to the surface of the skin and also close to the bones.
  3. Front Ankle – This area has more room to do bigger tattoos compared to other parts but it is also highly sensitive. The front is a folding part for which there are a lot of nerves and pains a lot when getting a tattoo.
  4. Back Ankle – Achilles tendon runs down the back ankle and getting a tattoo there is very painful. There is a high concentration of nerves here for which pain is felt very highly.
  5. Top of the Ankle – There is more meat in this area compared to other areas for which the pain here very less while getting a tattoo.

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Steps to Make Ankle Tattoo Less Painful

Steps to make ankle tattoo less painful
Make ankle tattoo less painful

Pain is inevitable when getting a tattoo and you have to endure more when getting an ankle tattoo. You need to take both mental and physical preparation to make sure that you will be able to withstand the pain during the process. Several ways will help you to go through the process of getting tattooed on the ankle to be less painful:

  • Small and simple designed tattoo – Your ankle is not a big area to express artistic values on a larger scale. Small tattoos look more neat on your ankle area. A less complicated design brings out elegance in your tattoo. Your ankle is a small joint area so it will not take much time to complete the tattoo. This also means you don’t have to spend much time in the tattoo studio going through the very painful experience and it will be all done in an adrenaline rush. This helps to manage your pain effectively.
  • Experienced and gentle tattoo artist – If you’re someone who’ll get a tattoo for the first time, then it is important to take time and find an experienced tattoo artist. Your ankle is one of the most sensitive parts of your body and not all artists can work well on these places. An expert will take time and do your tattoo smoothly. The tattoo artist will not try to give you much pain throughout the process and will take intervals. In addition to it, you’ll get proper advice on what design you can get that will be best for a certain part of your ankle.

You need to look out for the artist to be not heavy-handed. This is important because while working on your tattoo, the artist may put more pressure on the intensity which is not good for this sensitive area.

  • Numbing cream or spray – Since the ankle area is very sensitive and you think you’ll not be able to withstand the pain during the tattooing process then a numbing cream or spray can be used. Numbing products help to ease your pain in the applied area which constricts blood vessel flow.

You must consult this with your tattoo artist before applying any numbing products. This is because many artists do not like to work on skin with any numbing agent applied to it. You can also follow the instructions provided with the product on how to use it. This will help you be well-prepared before your tattooing session.

  • Get proper rest – Before your tattoo appointment day, you need to take proper rest of your body. This will be helpful for your body to respond to the trauma the skin will take.
  • A proper diet – Eat healthy foods prior to your tattoo appointment. Avoid any processed food or food that contains sugar.
  • Stay Hydrated – You need to drink enough water and juice to keep your skin hydrated. This will help the tattoo artist to easily work on your skin. Do not consume any alcohol or caffeine as they make your skin dry and blood thin ultimately making it uncomfortable for both the artist and you during tattooing.
  • Moisturize – You must consult with your tattoo artist about whether you can moisturize your skin or not. The skin area of the ankle is not much exposed at times so moisturizing will help to get more oxygen and keep it dehydration.

Swelling of Ankle Tattoo

Swelling of ankle tattoo
Swelling of ankle tattoo

It is common thing to see ankle tattoos get swollen. The reason for it is that the ankle is in the lowest extremities. Thanks to gravity, the blood flow is low throughout the body. The trauma on the skin of the ankle was intense which makes the tattooed skin more vulnerable. Blood tends to be more accumulated in the wound area.

There are common remedies for swelling like keeping your ankle raised above your heart level while resting and using ice packs wrapped in a towel. If you want, you can take painkillers like ibuprofen and aspirin but make sure you get a doctor’s recommendation.

The amount of swelling varies for different people. It is minimal for many and moderate for others. If the inflammation is not normal you should contact your tattoo artist. As well as if the pain increases and causes problems for you then consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Aftercare of Ankle Tattoo

Aftercare of ankle tattoo
Aftercare of ankle tattoo

After getting a fresh tattoo on the ankle, you can walk but will feel some pain. The healing of a tattoo depends on the size and location of it. Since the ankle is a joint that moves a lot, the tattoo takes much longer to heal than any other place. Due to walking and other movements, the healing time of the ankle tattoo gets extended.

The ankle is one of the most moving parts of your body and it is sensitive to which the aftercare process should be done carefully. There are a few steps you need to follow:

  • Resting – After getting a tattoo, it is recommended to take rest. For the tattoo to heal properly, resting is the best natural process. You can go immediately back to your daily life but you should not put much pressure on your body that might affect your tattoo. You can take a leave for a couple of days to let your skin recover from the trauma while getting tattooed.

Your body should also not go through any intense physical work as it will affect the wound on your skin. This is because your heart might be aggravated to pump harder that increases the blood flow.

  • Elevation – The ankle is in the lower part of your body, so the blood flow is low due to gravity. This results in the pooling of blood in the tattooed area making it swell. When resting, it is important to keep the ankle raised so that the blood flows normally. Try to use extra pillows, towels, or even blankets to keep the ankle elevated as this will help the blood to not clot in the same area.
  • Cleaning – Like any other regular tattoos, ankle tattoos should also be cleaned properly to keep them away from any infection. Regular showers are one way to keep your tattoo clean. Your ankle tattoo should be cleaned at least twice a day and any time after going outside.

Do not directly shower water on the tattoo as it will hurt the wound more. Use the flow of water and gently rub over the tattoo with your hand. After that, gently tap on the tattooed area using a soft clean towel to make it dry. Do not rub on the tattoo otherwise it further damages your wounded skin.

  • Ice Compression – This is a process that you need to do after 48 hours of getting your ankle tattoo if you see any swelling, redness, or pain in your tattooed area. This is because the tattooed skin would bleed for some time. You need to take rest and let it dry slowly. Use a clean towel and wrap it around the ice. Then tap on the bruised or swollen areas by not pressing hard. It is advisable to not press the ice directly on the tattooed skin.
  • Moisturize – A good tattoo moisturizer should be used to make sure that the ankle tattoo to not become dry or cracked. If you feel itchiness in your tattooed area, you can try using cocoa and butter. Moisturizing helps to keep the skin dehydrated.
  • Proper Footwear – It is important for you to not let your ankle tattoo get rubbed for at least two weeks. You should not wear any footwear that covers your tattooed area tightly. Shoes with high top line or sandals with straps on the back should be avoided. 

Fading of Ankle Tattoo

Fading of ankle tattoo
Fading of ankle tattoo

Any kind of tattoo does start to fade after some point. Tattoos do not fade away quickly or mostly and it varies. Regeneration of skin is one of the natural processes that cause tattoos to fade.

There are other factors that make the ankle tattoo fade away:

  1. The ankle moves a lot and gets to be in contact with socks, shoes top lines, and even pants causing friction and sweat.
  2. Use of light colors and thin lines in the tattoo fades faster than others.
  3. Inexperienced tattoo artist who didn’t insert the needles deep enough for the ink to penetrate the skin.
  4. The ink used for the tattoo is of poor quality. These inks don’t penetrate the skin deep enough.
  5. Exposure of ankle tattoo to the UV rays of the sun.

You should take care of your tattoo even long after it is done. The use of sunscreen, moisturizer, and dark clothes will help to keep your tattoo lively. If you get your tattoo done by an experienced tattoo artist so when needed you can go to that person for a retouch.


Is the ankle good for first tattoo?

Since it is increasingly getting popular, getting an ankle tattoo is inexpensive for small ones. Also, ankle tattoos don’t take long to complete.

Can I wear pants after an ankle tattoo?

Yes, you can. The fresh new ankle tattoo will still leak ink and irritate a bit so it is advised to wear dark-colored clothes for the first few days of healing.

How fast do ankle tattoos heal?

It takes two to three weeks for the outer layer of the skin of the ankle tattoo to heal. For the skin to truly heal, it may take up to six months with proper aftercare.

Are ankle tattoos worth it?

Ankle tattoos are usually small and takes less time to get one. Small and simple design tattoos flourish a lot, so yes ankle tattoos are totally worth it.

Final Thoughts

Overall, it hurts a lot when getting an ankle tattoo. For sensitive thin skin and boney structures, the pain is one of the extreme ones while getting a tattoo. There are a few spots where the pain varies while getting tattooed on the ankle. Some recommended precautions can be taken to make the tattooing experience less painful. It takes around 2 weeks for an ankle tattoo to heal. Swelling occurs for many people but can be recovered. Some recommended steps should be followed for better aftercare of tattoos. Like other tattoos, ankle tattoos also fade but a bit more.

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