Tattoos are a very old way to showcase art. People have been diving into this art since ancient times. There are a lot of facts that would include when you are getting a tattoo. And we, as artists, have some criteria to maintain. One of them is to wrap our tattoo machine. We use different kinds of wrapping materials to wrap the tattoo gun as well as the other accessories.
So why do artists wrap their tattoo machines? The main reason for wrapping the tattoo machine would be to maintain a base level of hygiene at work. Besides this key point, there are certainly some other points that we deem important. This article will give you a clear idea of why you see the wraps around the tattoo machine. So read along to find out why we wrap the tattoo machines at work.
Key Takeaway
- Tattoo machines are wrapped in plastic which helps to keep them clean, hygienic, and reduce time to clean them among others.
- Saran wraps are inexpensive making it an easy and cost-effective way to wrap the tattoo gun.
- Alongside that, tattoo artists use other types of wraps depending on their preference.
- Wrapping a tattoo machine is easy, where you start from the top and work your way down.
The Tattoo Machine Wraps
The tattoo machine wraps are usually polyethylene or medical-grade clean wraps that are used to contain the machine. Most of the other accessories in the tattoo shop are also wrapped in plastic. Saran wraps are the most common type of wrap that is used for the machine. But some of the tattoo artists will go for latex or rubber wraps. This allows the artists to grip the tattoo machine properly. These wraps are used to avoid contamination and thus also help maintain the gun. Tattoo machine wraps are supposed to be easy to take off, and thus the Saran wraps are perfect.
Why Do Artists Wrap Their Tattoo Machines?
Now that we have included what tattoo wraps are let us also include why we use them. This will allow them to hold the gun properly. Apart from all the facts, the tattoo wrap has a practical base, creating a safe space. There are different ways that an artist would wrap their tattoo machine. No matter what they do, the facts surrounding why the tattoo machine is wrapped are mostly the same.
Proper hygiene is the most common reason a tattoo artist would wrap the tattoo gun. I wrap my tattoo machine every time I get a new client. I tend to wrap all of my accessories, including the color tins, in plastic. Once the tattoo is done for one client, I’ll just change the wraps. And at the end of the day, I’ll change all of the wraps on my accessories. There are a lot of body fluids like blood and plasma when we are getting a tattoo. And the tattoo machine is the closest thing that will be to the clients. So, you are getting close to the tattoo machine the most. So to maintain hygiene for the clients and me, wrapping the tattoo machine makes more sense.
To avoid cross-contamination
Most tattoo artists will get at least ten different clients a day, depending on the number of appointments and the size of the tattoo. We tend to use almost the same tattoo gun on almost all clients. The needle has to be changed for each client, but the tattoo gun remains the same. And again, the tattoo machine will be closed to your skin, and there will be some fluid around. When we don’t wrap the guns, the chances are high that the fluids will contaminate the guns. And if we use the same machine on someone else, the chances of cross-contamination are high. So it’s very wise to change the plastic wraps between clients. It might take an extra five minutes to do so, but it is still worth the safety concerns.
Avoid constant cleaning
Most clients just walk in and ask if the tattoo machine is clean. And it happens a lot. So we just simply say, “Yes.” When I’m wrapping my tattoo machine and changing the needles after every client, the machine is as good as new. No fluid, ink, or any other matter is touching the machine. So when we unwrap the machine, it comes as good as new. If artists go directly with the tattoo machine without using any wraps, they have to do a thorough cleaning before getting to the new clients. Changing the wraps takes only five minutes, but cleaning the machine properly would take around half an hour.
Reduce vibration
Whenever any sort of machine is used, the vibration is not completely negligible. The vibration is normal for us artists. Though if we can find a way to diminish the effect, that would be marvelous. And as it turns out, wrapping the tattoo machine does help with that. They will definitely reduce the vibration and give it stability. For us, the best way to lessen the vibration would be by using at least three to four turns on the wrap. Plastic or other kinds of wraps are easy to use as they provide padding. When it is well padded, they tend to reduce the sound and the vibration. And the same thing can be said for a tattoo gun with wraps around it.
Reduce sound
The tattoo machine tends to have a sound just as vibration. Wrapping the machine will help with both the sound and the vibration. It helps create a settled environment for the clients. Most people getting the tattoo for the first time get anxious with the sound rather than the pain. So, finding ways to lessen the sound makes the tattooing process easier for the clients. And needless to say, less sound means we are able to concentrate more.
Even skin contact
Another thing that we tattoo artists tend to go for is even contact. This is important for the design as well as our work. When we go for intricate designs, we want the tattoo gun to be in an even position. And thus, maintaining even contact can be possible with the wraps. The rubber gloves do a good job at this. With that, the tattoo is precise.
Extending the life of the machine
Another thing that goes along with the cleaning is the life of a tattoo machine. Most of the time, a good tattoo machine will last a long time. It’s only possible when you wrap the machine. It helps with the overall process of doing less cleaning. I tend to wrap my machine with an overall wrap first. And then go with one or two more rounds of wraps. After one client, I tend to throw out the outer wrap. But the base wrap stays on until I want to deep clean the machine. So the machine stays as new when I unwrap it, and there’s less time for maintenance.
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Why Do Artists Use Saran Wrap To Wrap Their Tattoo Machines?
The most common way an artist would wrap their tattoo machine is by using a saran wrap. These wraps are very versatile and needless to say, they fulfill the aims we included before. These are used almost everywhere, and I even use them to secure the area over my client. These wraps would wrap around the machine by themselves and be easy to take off.
Here we are including some reasons why Saran wrap is used for wrapping the tattoo machine:
- Saran wraps are affordable.
- They are clean, and they’ll adhere to the tattoo machine without any glue or tape.
- Saran wraps can be of different thicknesses, and you can choose one that seems fitting.
- They are easy to bind and are disposable.
- They are less slippery than average plastic wrap.
- Saran wraps are clean, and thus you can see the machine properly.
- They are available.
Why Is Grip Tape Used as a Tattoo Machine Wrap?
If you’re uncomfortable with the saran wrap, we have another alternative. And that would be the grip tape. Grip tapes are less slippery and a bit more expensive than Saran wraps. Grip tapes tend to come with different kinds of coating. Rubber and latex coating is common here.
Here are some reasons why tattoo artists prefer grip tape:
- These are easy to peel and wrap around the tattoo machine.
- Grip tapes come with adhesive on one side; while taking it off, there’s no adhesive stain on the gun.
- It prevents the ink from leaking from the gun.
- It makes holding the gun easier, and the chances of slippage are way less than with Saran wrap.
- Grip tape will put more compression on the tattoo machine.
- They are perfect for beginner tattoo artists.
How to Wrap the Tattoo Machine?
Now that we have discussed why tattoo artists care so much about wrapping the tattoo machine, there is another thing to consider. How to wrap the tattoo machine would be another thing to consider. No matter how expensive the wrap you use, the wrap will not work properly if you do not wrap the machine properly.
Here we are including some ways that you can wrap your tattoo machine:
- Step 1: Start wrapping from the bottom. First, try to cover the larger areas of the machine. The bottom part doesn’t have any thin parts or a needle holder. Then try to move to the upper part of the machine. And lastly, to wrap around the edges, try to cut the wraps in thin places and wrap them properly.
- Step 2: Put on some pressure. For the second part, try and wrap with adequate pressure. If the wrap is too loose, it’ll be slippery on the hand. And if the wrap is too tight, the machine will feel sturdy, and the ink circulation might get interrupted.
- Step 3: Last but not least, check for leakage. If the wrapping is done correctly, then there should be no ink leakage from the machine.
Do you wrap coil tattoo machines?
Yes, almost every tattoo machine, including the coil tattoo machine, must be wrapped with grip tape or Saran wrap.
Why do tattoo artists wrap everything in plastic?
The tattoo artists will wrap everything in plastic to keep everything sanitary and to make sure that there is no cross-contamination.
Final Thoughts
Wrapping a tattoo machine is a practical form of work, and we tend to make tons of impact here. This allows us to give an overall impression, and we are even able to maintain a very sterile vision. The guns are easy to move around when they are wrapped, and it even helps the clients. Most tattoo artists will change the wrapping after each client, and this is also a good way to ensure the safety of the clients. Wrapping the tattoo machine might not be entirely new, but it surely is an effective way to maintain the quality of tattooing.
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