Can You Get A Tattoo While On Antibiotics – Warning Guide

I know that feeling very well when you get the urge to get your dream tattoo and don’t want to wait for a second to get it done. But unfortunately, there are some conditions you must meet before getting a tattoo. Being sick or being on meds can hinder you to meet those conditions. When the topic of meds appears, you can’t avoid antibiotics. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics even for a small issue such as stomach upset.

Being sick or on meds may prevent you from getting a tattoo. Not all diseases or meds will stop you from getting your bodily art. But what about antibiotics? I will elaborate on this matter and more below.

Key Takeaways

  • Wait at least 7 days after getting off your antibiotics before getting a new tattoo.
  • Consult with your doctor before getting a tattoo and after getting off antibiotics.
  • A weakened body, delayed healing, risk of infection, and physical and mental stress are some of the risks that you may face if you get a tattoo while on antibiotics.
  • Make sure your body has recovered before getting a new tattoo.

Getting A Tattoo While On Antibiotics

Antibiotics kill or stop the reproduction of bacteria and foreign antibodies. It greatly helps your body to fight off infection. That does not sound bad, then why it would matter if you are not on antibiotics or not when it comes to getting a tattoo?

Getting a tattoo while on antibiotics
Getting a tattoo while on antibiotics

Tattoo ink is a foreign compound to our bodies. Your own immune system will try to break the pigment color of the ink and absorb or pass it out. But because ink uses complex chemistry, it is difficult for your body to break it down. If you have antibiotics on your system when you get a new tattoo, then surely the antibiotic will fight the pigment as it is a foreign particle for our body. Not to mention if you are on antibiotics you have some kind of infection that your body is fighting against. Your body is probably exhausted and weak, and getting a tattoo during this time can increase the chance of getting a new infection.

Simply put, you cannot get a tattoo while on antibiotics. While on antibiotics your body is fatigued and weak. Getting a tattoo which is basically a wound, will increase the chance of catching a new infection. The antibiotics will fight the tattoo ink (pigment) and won’t let the pigment settle down on your dermis for a longer period of time. As a result, your tattoo will take much longer to heal.

That being said, you still can get a new tattoo while on antibiotics but it is not recommended. There is a high chance you will face multiple health issues if you do so.

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4 Reasons to Not Get a New Tattoo While on Antibiotics

There is plenty of risk of getting a tattoo while on antibiotics. Let’s take a look at them in detail-

Reasons to not get a new tattoo while on antibiotics
Reasons to not get a new tattoo while on antibiotics

1. Weakens the body

Antibiotics are mainly given if you have a viral or bacterial infection. That means your body is already fatigued by fighting off this infection. If you get a new tattoo during this time which is like getting yourself a new wound will weaken your body even more.

2. Delayed healing

Your immune system is fighting some sort of infection and it required help that’s why your doctor prescribed you antibiotics. Now if you get a new tattoo, your immune system won’t be able to work as efficiently as it should because it is already fighting another infection. This will greatly delay the healing process of your tattoo.

3. Risk of Infection

While you are on antibiotics your immune system is fighting off some infection that already exists in your body. So your body’s protective system will be a little weak during this time. Now if you get a fresh wound like a tattoo there is a high chance you will catch a new infection.

4. Physical & mental stress

Antibiotics put your body under stress. If you get a tattoo during this time, surely your body will face great tension. Bodily stress or tension will affect your mind and you may get mentally stressed. Delayed healing, the chance of getting a new infection, and a weakened body may cause you mental stress.

Time to wait before getting new tattoo while on antibiotics

Time depends on the condition of your body mostly. If you are in a very weakened condition, then your body is not ready to get a new tattoo. As your immune system needs to work hard to recover and heal the tattooed area. It is not recommended to get a new tattoo while your body is weak or your immune system is weak. Take your time to recover and when you feel healthy it should be fine to get a new tattoo.

In general, you should wait at least 7 days after getting off your antibiotics before getting a new tattoo. That said if you feel hesitant or not sure then feel free to consult with your doctor before getting a new tattoo.

3 Steps to Take before Getting  New Tattoo after Getting Off Antibiotics

There are a few simple steps you should take just to stay on the safe side before getting a new tattoo after getting off your antibiotics.

Steps to take before getting new tattoo after getting off antibiotics
Steps to take before getting new tattoo after getting off antibiotics
  • Take Plenty of Rest: After getting off your antibiotics your body should be a bit weak. So take plenty of rest so that your immune system can recover quickly, it will greatly benefit you when a get a new tattoo. A strong immune system will speed up the healing of your tattoo and fight off any possible infection.
  • Eat Healthy Food: After getting off your antibiotics your body should be a bit weak. So take plenty of rest so that your immune system can recover quickly, it will greatly benefit you when a get a new tattoo. A strong immune system will speed up the healing of your tattoo and fight off any possible infection.
  • Consult with Your Doctor: To recover the strength of your body you should eat healthy food after getting off antibiotics. Plenty of fruit, vegetable, and protein will help your body recover faster. Just to be sure, you should consult with your doctor to know if your body is ready to get a new tattoo or not.

5 Reasons You Can Not Get a New Tattoo

Here I have listed 5 main reasons why you can not get a new tattoo.

1. Medication


Not all medications will prevent you from getting a tattoo. But a few medications can prevent you such as:

● Antibiotics
● Acne medicine
● Blood Thinners

2. Pregnancy


If you are pregnant you cannot get a new tattoo. As you are carrying a baby, it is important to make sure no harm is done to you to keep the baby as safe as possible.

Bleeding from being pierced by the needle could end up making you feel weaker and make the tattoo healing process even longer. So if you are pregnant, you should wait until after when you are healthier and ready to get a tattoo!

2. Breastfeeding


If you are breastfeeding, you cannot get a new tattoo. Doctors recommend you wait about 9 months to a year after giving birth to a baby to get a new tattoo.

These 9 months to a year should be enough for your kid to stop being breastfed. The contamination of the blood and lymph nodes is the reason why you must avoid getting a tattoo while still breastfeeding.

3. Chronic Skin Condition

Chronic skin condition
Chronic skin condition

If you have a chronic skin condition you cannot get yourself a new tattoo. These conditions can be simple as acne to complex as psoriasis. In some states, it is illegal to tattoo a person who has active or inactive psoriasis.

4. Immunocompromised patients

Immunocompromised patients
Immunocompromised patients

British Medical Journal says that immunocompromised patients feel great pain or may face complex health issues for getting a tattoo.

So it is greatly recommended for these patients to not get any sort of tattoo at all. The bleeding alone can leave an immunocompromised patient in risk of infectious disease that could be life-threatening!


What if I get a tattoo while on antibiotics?

It is recommended not to but if you already did it then consult with your doctor and take the proper steps to recover the tattooed area.

Can I get a tattoo while breastfeeding?

No, doctors recommend you wait until your baby does not require breastfeeding anymore.

Can I get a tattoo while taking doxycycline?

You can but it is not recommended. Wait until you fix your dental issue.

Final Thoughts

Getting a new tattoo is always fun. But you may need to delay the time you get a tattoo if you are on certain meds, such as antibiotics. While getting a new tattoo while on antibiotics may not be wise, it is still possible to get a tattoo in such a situation. You will need to consult with your doctor, and your tattoo artist and take the necessary steps suggested by them. For safety purposes, you should always consult a doctor and tattoo artists before getting a tattoo while on antibiotics.

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