Why Does My Tattoo Burn – You Should To Know

Got yourself your first tattoo and it is burning? That’s normal! Getting a tattoo means getting stabbed by a needle around 90-110 times. You have to understand a new tattoo is similar to a new wound. When you get yourself wounded it burns right? The same logic goes for your new tattoo.

Every one of us who gets a tattoo regardless of the method or design, we all go through the healing process and face some discomfort while we are at it. The tattoo needle goes deep into your dermis hence it takes longer to heal. Burning can also be a symptom of allergy or infection. You have to know if the burning is normal or a sign of contamination. There are steps you can take to soothe the burning sensation and speed up the healing process. I will discuss them in detail below.

Key Takeaways

  • In normal cases, the burning goes away after the tattooed area heals.
  • The healing process can take up to 2 weeks to heal the first layer of your skin. The second layer will take a longer period like 2-3 months.
  • The burning sensation may be a sign of infection or allergic reaction.
  • This healing period may vary based on elements such as the complexity of the design, size of the tattoo, skin kind, and aftercare.

8 Reasons Behind Your Burning Tattoo

Getting a new tattoo may burn because of the natural healing process of your body. Other than that there are a few factors that may cause the burning and affect the intensity of the burning. When getting your new tattoo, you have to choose the design of your tattoo, a professional tattoo artist that uses the best modern ink, and a proper tattoo machine. Not to mention which method you choose to get your tattoo.

Such factors can affect the burning of your tattoo. Let’s take a deeper look into the matter.

Tattoo Artist

Tattoo artist
Tattoo artist

As I said before, you have to go to a professional tattoo artist who has plenty of experience and good reviews to get your tattoo done.

An amateur tattoo artist will not only fail to meet the expectancy of your desired design but also do a poor job that will result in a very uncomfortable burning feeling. Another factor is some tattoo artists are heavy-handed, you can expect a bit more pain or burning feeling if you choose a heavy-handed tattoo artist.

Tattoo Machine

Tattoo machine
Tattoo machine

Tattoo machines may play a role in if you are going to feel more or less burning feeling after getting your tattoo.

Try to go with a rotary tattoo machine as many professionals believe it causes less pain than a coil tattoo machine. The rotary tattoo machine makes less noise and that may seem like it is hurting less.

If you are too concerned about the pain or burning, then you can go with the simple stick-and-poke method as it is less painful. These are done by people that a wealth of experience with their equipment so you can be safe with this method. But only go for someone if they have a good history with stick-and-poke tattoos.

Body Type

Body type
Body type

Not all of your immunity system is equal. Some of us may have a faster healing speed while others may take a bit more time to heal.

Depending on the healing time the burning feeling can get shortened or prolonged. If your skin is not very sensitive, there is a chance you will feel a very mild burning feeling, and that too will go away after a week or two.

Applying Lotion

Applying lotion
Applying lotion

Hydrating a new tattoo is a must. You should apply moisturizer or lotion to keep the tattooed area hydrated. It will sting a little because the wound is not healed yet, so it is normal to feel a bit burning sensation when you apply lotion.

But if the burning feeling stays even after two weeks of getting your tattoo then you should consult a dermatologist. That is why you should always use a fragrance-free lotion to avoid the burning sensation.

Design of The Tattoo

Design of the tattoo
Design of the tattoo

Size matters. But when you follow that size motto while choosing a design for your tattoo, you may prepare yourself for a bit more pain than usual. The bigger the tattoo is, the bigger the wound will be. So obviously it will take longer to heal and may burn a bit more.

Even a mid-size tattoo with a complex design can result in a higher burning sensation as it requires more needle poking to create that complex design.



To put it simply, cleaning will burn. Now that does not give you an excuse not to clean the wound. You must clean it daily or twice a day until it is healed to avoid infection and speed up the healing process.



Even though nowadays infection is less likely to happen thanks to a sterilized tattoo needle, quality ink, and better aftercare, still it may happen. If you feel the burning sensation after a week or two then it is not normal. It may be a sign of infection and you should visit your dermatologist without any delay.

Besides burning, you may notice a rash, bubbles, white, or redness around the tattooed area if it is infected.



Allergies are another reason why your tattoo may burn. Many people get allergies to tattoo ink, especially red tattoo ink. Now the interesting thing is you may face this allergy right after getting your new tattoo or a year or two later.

There are some cases where they developed ink allergies after decades of having the tattoo. There is also a possibility that you may develop sun allergies after getting your new tattoo. Meaning the tattooed area will burn more than usual when you expose it to sunlight.

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6 Ways to Deal with a Burning Tattoo

As I said mild burning is normal after getting a new tattoo that should go away after a week or two. Still, there are a few things you can do to ease up the burning and speed up the healing.

Ways to deal with a burning tattoo
Ways to deal with a burning tattoo

Clean Daily

Now you might say cleaning burns, then why would I clean daily? Because a cleaned wound heals faster hence the burning feeling will shorten. It also protects your skin from infection. It will also promote the production of new skin cells that will help to heal the tattoo faster!

Use Ointment

An ointment is not necessary for aftercare but if the burning feeling really bothers you then apply some soothing ointment over the tattooed area. There is plenty of ointment for tattoos which contain ingredients that will not only soothe and give a nice cold feeling to the tattooed area but also speed up the healing. Your tattoo artist might suggest using an A+D ointment for the first few days to reduce the burning sensation and keep it nice and safe from infection.

Keep It Moist

Dry wounds itch and burn more and your tattoos will be constantly dry. To avoid this, use moisturizer and keep the area properly moisturized. It will reduce the itching sensation and keep your tattoo nice and hydrated.

Ways to deal with a burning tattoo
Ways to deal with a burning tattoo

Use Ice Pack

An ice pack can give you instant comfort if the burning is too much to handle. Gently press an ice pack over the affected area. Make sure not to make direct contact between ice and skin as it will damage the skin. And do not use an ice pack for more than 20 minutes for a session. If you want, you can make your own DIY ice pack with a clean and dry cotton towel and wrap ice around it. This is to make sure it does get in contact with the new tattoo and potentially ruin the skin!

Elevate The Tattooed Area

If possible, rise the body part or area that contains the tattoo. It will reduce the blood flow in that particular area and reduce the burning you were feeling. This will especially be helpful when you are laying down or going to bed. Having the tattooed area raised will keep it getting compressed and ensure that your tattoo is healing under optimal conditions.

Correct Aftercare

Correct aftercare is necessary for your tattoo to heal. You will feel less burning if the healing process is speedy. If the healing process is delayed then you can expect that uneasy, itchy, burning feeling for a longer period of time. The correct aftercare tips will always be given by your tattoo artist so always listen to the instruction they have given. They know what they are saying and following them will help keep your tattoo burn to a minimum.

4 Times When Burning Tattoo Becomes a Concern

Burning is a common and natural sensation that you will feel after getting your new tattoo. But at what point should you be concerned about it? Here are 4 times when it is a concern and requires medical attention.

Times when burning tattoo becomes a concern
Times when burning tattoo becomes a concern
  1. 1 week: If it burns even after a week then it is a problem. Make sure to visit your dermatologist without any delay.
  2. Fever: If the burning is so intense that it gave you a fever then it is a matter of concern. You should get medical help to avoid further health complications.
  3. Swelling: If the affected area not only burns a lot but also has an unusual swelling then it is a matter of concern.
  4. Redness: If the tattooed area is unusually red with an extreme burning sensation then it is definitely an issue.


How do I take care of burned tattoos?

First, apply cool water to ease the pain then pat dry and apply healing ointment. You can take pain killer too if the pain is too much to handle.

How long my tattoo will burn?

Normally the burning stays for about a week. If it stays longer then visit your dermatologist.

Why do my tattoos burn while cleaning?

Wound cleaning agent usually contains hydrogen peroxide and ethanol which are responsible to make our body feel a burning sensation.

Final Thoughts

Getting a tattoo done means getting poked by a needle around 90-110 times. And the needle goes deep into your skin to put the ink into your dermis. Dermis is the inner layer of your skin so you can expect getting a tattoo will surely leave you with a wound. And surely you will feel some burning in the area. This burning is only natural so do not be alarmed but if it stays more than a week and shows other signs like redness, or swelling then seek medical help immediately.

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