Memento Mori Tattoo Meaning

Have you seen some sick tattoos recently that have a dark death theme going on with a “Memento Mori” quoted on it? Yeah, these tattoos have been around for a while and you can say it is a timeless tattoo. As long as you want a reminder of life and death then you can go for a Memento Mori tattoo, regardless of what tattoo trend is going on.

Sometimes we get so distracted with work and other stuff that we forget life is not meant to last forever. You are supposed to do all the things you want to do and enjoy your life while you can. To keep a reminder of death you can get a Memento Mori tattoo. Want to know more? I have explained the origin, and meaning along with some of my favorite Memento Mori tattoo design ideas in this piece. Let’s have a look, shall we?

Key Takeaways

  • The Memento Mori quote came from ancient Rome and the language of the quote is Latin.
  • Memento Mori means “Remember you will die”.
  • Reasons to get a Memento Mori tattoo are reminders of mortality, embracing temporariness, avoiding being boastful, living in the present, and overcoming fear of death.
  • A few Memento Mori tattoo design ideas are classic Memento Mori tattoo, Memento Vivere Memento Mori tattoo, Memento Mori quote tattoo, Memento Mori tattoo with book & skull, Memento Mori with hourglass and skull tattoo, colorful Memento Mori tattoo, bright blue and purple Memento Mori tattoo, & skeleton playing with skull Memento Mori tattoo.

Memento Mori Tattoo: History & Origin

Memento Mori Tattoo: History & Origin
Memento Mori Tattoo: History & Origin

The Memento Mori is a philosophical and artistic concept that has roots in ancient Rome. The quote is from the Latin language. Latin might be a dead language but the quote is alive and getting more and more popular nowadays.

The quote gained popularity during the Victorian era which is between 1820 and 1914. During this time death death-themed art was on the rise, and what better quote than Memento Mori to make it perfect? People also started to use Memento Mori tattoos and portray death themes inked on their skin.

Memento Mori Tattoo Meaning

If you are looking for some vibrant lively tattoos that express joy and happiness, then steer clear of the Memento Mori tattoo, my friend. A Memento Mori tattoo can be a bit depressing sometimes.

We know that death is certain. But sometimes we forget that we are mortal. Anything that takes birth will die one day. To stay humble and not be boastful, you can get yourself a Memento Mori tattoo. The direct meaning of Memento Mori’s quote is “Remember you must die”.

Do not confuse it with a curse or wishing on yourself that you die. It means that one day you will die, because no matter what you do, at the end of the day, you are still a mortal man. You can keep yourself humble by getting yourself a Memento Mori tattoo. But as I said in the beginning, the theme of this tattoo is a bit dark, which might not be for everyone. So, consider the theme well before you get yourself a Memento Mori tattoo to avoid regreting later.

Consideration Before Getting A Memento Mori Tattoo

Consideration Before Getting A Memento Mori Tattoo
Consideration Before Getting A Memento Mori Tattoo

A memento Mori tattoo may include a skull, hourglass, or witted roses. You can incorporate many personal elements if you want but that does not mean you can add sunshine and rainbows to your Memento Mori tattoo. It would ruin the tattoo and change the actual meaning of it.

Consider the meaning and theme of the tattoo before you add your own twist to it. If you get the theme wrong or change the meaning then what’s the point of getting a Memento Mori tattoo?

Another crucial consideration is placement. You can get the tattoo anywhere on your body, but would it suit the placement? Let’s, say you get a tattoo on your face. Not many people will agree that it is the right placement for this tattoo. Before getting the tattoo, consult with your tattoo artist regarding the placement of it, they can tell from experience what placements would be best for you.

5 Reasons to Get a Memento Mori Tattoo

Reasons to Get a Memento Mori Tattoo
Reasons to Get a Memento Mori Tattoo

Want a few good reasons to get a Memento Mori tattoo? I have provided them below.

1. Reminder of mortality

Want a reminder that you are mortal? Then get yourself a Memento Mori tattoo. Whenever you look at that tattoo on your skin, it will remind you of mortality. That one day you have to die and leave all the wealth, property, memories, and your favorite things behind.

2. Embracing temporariness

Our lives aren’t permanent. No matter how good you take care of your health, one day you will die and that is the nature of life. Instead of getting upset and depressed, you should embrace the temporariness of your life. And to do that you can get yourself a Memento Mori tattoo.

3. To avoid being boastful

Being boastful is not very nice. Pride is good but having too much pride can cause one’s downfall. If you have achieved a lot in life and are worried that you may become boastful unknowingly, then go ahead and get yourself a Memento Mori tattoo. It can be a fine way to keep your pride, and your self-confidence in check. A person who has Memento Mori inked into their skin is less likely to be boastful.

4. Living in the present

Do you worry what will happen in the future all the time and forget to live in the present moment? Well, you are not the only one who is worried about their future. Thinking of one’s future and making plans is great, but that should not stop you from enjoying the current moment. Stress can cause you to get stress which may prevent you from living in the present. Reminding yourself that life is not permanent, and nobody knows what the future holds, can help you live in the present. And what better way to do that than getting yourself a Memento Mori tattoo?

5. Overcoming fear of death

Who does not fear death? We all do. But if the fear of death is too much and it is preventing you from living your life then it is bad. You can overcome the fear of death by getting a Memento Mori tattoo. It can remind you that you will die one day and there is no changing that. No matter how fearful you are of death, it will happen. Then why should you live in fear? Get rid of that fear and go out there and live your best life.

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10 Memento Mori Tattoo Design Ideas & Their Meanings

Want some Memento Mori tattoo design ideas? I got you covered! Check out the designs I have provided below, these are some of my personal favorites.

1. Classic Memento Mori tattoo

Classic Memento Mori tattoo
Classic Memento Mori tattoo

If you want to keep it nice and simple then go for the classic Memento Mori tattoo design. It can be horrifyingly beautiful and capture the nature of mortal life perfectly. Getting just a skull image and the quote “Memento Mori” on the design is enough.

2. Memento Vivere and Memento Mori tattoo

Memento Vivere and Memento Mori tattoo
Memento Vivere and Memento Mori tattoo

If you want a tattoo that reminds you of death and life then this design is for you. Memento Mori means “Remember you will die” and Memento Vivere means “You must live”. So getting both of the quotes inked on your skin can motivate you to live and remind you one day will die. Such a fine and balanced combination, right?

3. Memento Mori with a skull with a flower tattoo

Memento Mori with a skull with a flower tattoo
Memento Mori with a skull with a flower tattoo

A skull with a flower and the quote inked onto your skin, quite simple yet fascinating. The skull can mean death and the flower can mean the beauty of life and death. Or the flower could represent life itself.

4. Memento Mori quote tattoo

Memento Mori quote tattoo
Memento Mori quote tattoo

Are you into quote tattoos and do not like to add any elements to them? Then go ahead and get yourself a Memento Mori tattoo with just the quote and nothing else. This is the simplest way you can get this tattoo inked. It can mean you are aware of being mortal and want to keep things simple in life while it lasts.

5. Hand and skeleton with Memento Mori tattoo

Hand and skeleton with Memento Mori tattoo
Hand and skeleton with Memento Mori tattoo

Get a human’s hand with skin and a skeleton hand along with the quote. Some people may not understand the Latin quote “Memento Mori”, but if you go with this design, it can portray the meaning even if the viewer does not know what the quote says. A hand signifies the living and the skeleton hand can represent death, it portrays the life and death cycle that is unavoidable for any living being.

6. Memento Mori tattoo with book & skull

Memento Mori tattoo with book & skull
Memento Mori tattoo with book & skull

Incorporate a book and skull with your Memento Mori tattoo. It can mean you can gain all the knowledge you want but it can not prevent death which is inevitable. Or it can mean you have the knowledge of mortality.

7. Memento Mori with hourglass and skull tattoo

Memento Mori with hourglass and skull tattoo
Memento Mori with hourglass and skull tattoo

Ah, the sand clock our hourglass, a good old element to ink on your skin to portray the flow of time. Now, imagine incorporating the quote Memento Mori and a skull with the sand clock. It would give such an interesting and dark vibe. It can mean the flow of time is going to end every living being one day. As long as you are a man, you will die one day and the time is the only thing that will keep flowing no matter what.

8. Colorful Memento Mori tattoo

Colorful Memento Mori tattoo
Colorful Memento Mori tattoo

There is no rule that says you can only get this tattoo in black and white ink. You can use any color you want as long as it goes with the theme. Consult with your tattoo artist and throw in some colors for your Memento Mori tattoo. You add some colorful elements to the design as well.

9. Bright blue and purple Memento Mori tattoo

Bright blue and purple Memento Mori tattoo
Bright blue and purple Memento Mori tattoo

Bright blue and purple colors can add an extra aesthetic appeal to your Memento Mori tattoo. It can express your trust, loyalty and towards the circle of life that is full of mystery. I have to tell you, this design may look or sound simple but not all tattoo artists can pull it off. Make sure to talk to your tattoo artist and make it clear if they can make this design for you or not.

10. Skeleton playing with skull Memento Mori tattoo

Skeleton playing with skull Memento Mori tattoo
Skeleton playing with skull Memento Mori tattoo

What about a skeleton playing skull along with the quote? It can mean you are not afraid of death and you will keep enjoying your life as long as you live. It can be a joyful way to wear the Memento Mori tattoo in my opinion.

Memento Mori Tattoo Placement

If you get a Memento Mori tattoo, what would be the best placement? I have listed a few possible best placements for you below.

1. Arm

Getting a tattoo on your arm is a show of strength and power. So, when you get a Memento Mori tattoo on your arm, it can mean you strongly believe that life is temporary but you will live your life to the fullest while you can.

2. Wrist

The wrist is a delicate part of our body. It can be a perfect place for you to get a Memento Mori tattoo.

3. Chest

Getting a Memento Mori tattoo on your tattoo can make it more personalized. It can mean you hold the meaning of the quote close to your heart.

4. Stomach

Stomach tattoo stays concealed most of the time. But you can see it every morning or night when you change your clothing. It can be a very personal way of getting a Memento Mori tattoo that is only for you to see.


What are some common elements I can use in my Memento Mori tattoo design?

A few common and popular elements you can use in your Memento Mori tattoo design are:

  • Wilted rose
  • Skull
  • Hourglass
  • Books
  • Flower
  • Lamp

Is it considered morbid or negative to get a Memento Mori tattoo?

No, Memento Mori is not something negative. The quote means “remember you must die”, it hints towards the natural death that every living human being will taste one day. It is not morbid, it is a way to remind yourself that you are mortal.

Does the Memento Mori tattoo have any influence on pop culture?

Yes, the Memento Mori tattoo has a decent amount of impact on pop culture. Many famous celebrities have inked the tattoo on their skin and they claim it helps them to keep their mental health in check. Many of their fans get the tattoo inked on their skin as well to show support and admiration towards their idols.

Is there any cultural or religious affiliation with the Memento Mori tattoo?

No, there is no cultural or religious affiliation with Memento Mori. You can get this tattoo regardless of your culture and your religious beliefs.

Does the Memento Mori tattoo have to be large and intricate or small and simple?

There is no specific set of rules regarding the Memento Mori tattoo. You can get a big and intricate design if you want or just go for something simple and smaller. It is completely up to you.

Final Thoughts

Avoid being boastful of one’s achievements and reminding oneself that life is temporary and death is inevitable is a wise thing to do. It can put your mind at ease and let you focus on your present life. A Memento Mori tattoo can do just that for you. It can remind you that you will die one day which means let go of all the worries and live in the present.

This tattoo can reduce your mental stress and help keep your mental health in check. Many famous celebrity has this tattoo to stay humble and calm. You can add your own elements to make it more personal as well. The tattoo generally uses a dark theme that uses black and white color, but you can go for a colorful Memento Mori tattoo as well. Just ensure it does not drive away from the actual meaning, which is remembering that you will die one day.

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