Understanding The Fact: How Long Do Tattoo Bruises Last?

One of the most popular body modifications to do is a tattoo. You get to have a piece of art that you like on your body permanently with a variety of styles that can be done either from selected pieces or a custom choice of yours. As much as exciting it sounds you may also get some bruises after getting a tattoo. Bruises on your skin happen due to the ink inserted as the needle pierces the skin into the underlying tissue. On doing so, slight inflammation and bleeding occur that causes tattoo bruising.

So how long do tattoo bruises last? There is nothing to worry about as it is one of the common side effects of getting a tattoo. These bruises are not permanent but take time to heal. The healing process is different for each person as it depends on the skin but usually, it takes around a few days to a month. In this article, we will get to know how tattoo bruises are caused and the process of healing them.

Key Takeaways

  • It is normal to get tattoo bruises as it is not harmful and part of the healing process.
  • The bruises stay for a few hours to about a month for different people.
  • There are several reasons like body location, tattoo artist’s technique, medication, and natural likeliness to get bruises from tattoos and how long it lasts.
  • There are several healing processes for the bruises to fade away including natural and taking medical pills if required.
  • If pain is caused by bruised area only then you can concern a doctor for prescribed medicines.

The Longevity of Tattoo Bruises

The longevity of tattoo bruises
The longevity of tattoo bruises

There is no specific time limit that tattoo bruises will go away during that period. Different skins react in different ways. If there are no medical conditions or medication going on then it may take from a few hours to a couple of days for the bruises to go away.

Usually, it takes up to a month for some people to recover from bruises. Conditions like having sensitive skin or being on medication will take longer than usual for the skin to recover.

Bruises do fade away but the skin does not return to its original state because the recovery process goes on long after the bruises stop appearing on the skin. It will take over a month for your skin to look normal again.

4 Factors That Determine How Long Tattoo Bruises Last

Factors that determine how Long tattoo bruises last
Factors that determine how Long tattoo bruises last

When getting a tattoo, it causes trauma to your skin. This basically leaves an open wound. The tattoo gun pierces its sharp needles on your skin thousand times a minute. The body tries to deal with the ink that has been inserted as it is a foreign element to the body.

There are various factors that contribute to tattoo bruises.

It can happen to anyone and the following are the several reasons why:

1. Tattoo location

The location of your body matters in the case of tattooing. There are certain body parts that are prone to bruises. Usually, the skin on these parts is thin and even mild pressure causes bruises. Body parts such as the biceps and thighs are prime examples. The lower part of the body also tends to have a higher chance of getting tattoo bruises. This is because of gravity blood is pulled down and the flow is low. Areas around the lower part of the leg and feet will get bruises from tattoos. Ankles, wrists, or elbows have more bone and less skin where bruises also occur. For some people, fatty areas also tend to get bruised more quickly.

2. Technique of tattoo artist

Just like each person has unique skin, different tattoo artists have different techniques. Tattoo artists with much experience have a set of skills that they have honed throughout the years. When you get tattooed by them, they will use their expertise to make sure you’re not hurt during the process. It is less likely to get bruised by an experienced tattoo artist. Expert artists even handle their tattoo machines with a better approach and use their needles more effectively making sure there is no extra pressure on the skin.

An inexperienced tattoo artist or someone who lacks proper tattooing skills will be more likely to make bruises on your skin. The reason for this to happen is due to the fact they might put too much pressure on the skin causing the needles to get too deep. Also, the needles might also jump while tattooing.

Even expert tattoo artists with heavy hands can cause bruises to your skin. While handling the tattoo machine they might intensely press it that the blood vessels in your skin might feel and the trauma will cause bruising.

  • Note: – Not all tattoo artists are perfect. Bruises can happen regardless of the experience of the artist. It is much recommended to get your tattoo done by a veteran artist if you’re doing it for the first time.

3. Medication aftereffects

Taking any sort of blood-thinning medicine increases the chances of getting tattoo bruises. These medicines include Aspirin or Ibuprofen. The blood-thinning medicines prevent blood clots and this makes the wound remain open while tattooing.

Another medication that can cause bruises is numbing cream. The process of numbing cream is to limit the flow of blood so that the pain feels dull. This can also cause your nervous system to overdrive to the reaction of the trauma your skin got from tattooing.

4. Natural likeliness to bruise

This does not mean that bruising happens naturally to you but there are a few factors for which it happens.

  1. If you have medical conditions like diabetes, anemia, leukemia, hemophilia (bleeding disorder), or malnutrition such as deficiency in Vitamin C or K, you are more likely to get bruises after getting a tattoo.
  2. You may also get bruises if there is a history of someone in your family who bruises easily.
  3. Taking blood thinning medications and anti-inflammatory drugs will also cause tattoo bruises.
  4. Having a low blood platelet count can also be the reason to get bruises.
  5. Sensitive skins tend to get cut more and have bruises more often than regular skins.
  6. Any sort of disease such as cancer will be more likely for you to get bruises.

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9 Helpful Steps To Help Healing Process of Tattoo Bruises

Helpful steps to help healing process of tattoo bruises
Helpful steps to help healing process of tattoo bruises

As bruising is a common side effect there is nothing to worry about it. The bruises do heal naturally taking a few days or weeks but you can do a few things to make the process faster.

The following are some of the steps that will help to speed up the healing process:

  1. Ice compression – after you’re done getting a tattoo, let it rest to stop the bleeding and slowly dry out. The best way to ice compress is to take a clean towel and wrap the ice with it. Then apply it on the bruised areas but make sure you’re not pressing too hard and not the tattooed area itself as it is delicate. This prevents the blood to flow to the specific region and any blood to leak from the bruised areas. Never try to press the ice directly on the tattooed skin.
  2. Hot compression – just like ice compression, you can also do the process with hot too. In this process, use a clean warm towel to press on the tattooed area. The heating process will let the blood circulate in the bruised area again. This process of healing should be done for 10-15 minutes interchanging with the ice compression process. This can only be done once 48 hours have passed from getting a tattoo.
  3. Take rest – it is very much recommended to take rest after getting a tattoo. Resting is the best natural healing process. Some people can immediately go back to work or their daily life but it is wise to not put pressure on your body that might affect your tattoo area. If possible, take a couple of days off from your daily work and let the body rest to recover from the trauma your skin went through while tattooing.
    In addition to resting, refrain from any intense physical activities as it will aggravate your heart to pump harder increasing the blood flow and pressuring the wounds of your skin.
  4. Elevating the area – blood flows to any part of the body including the bruised areas. It is ideal to keep the tattooed area elevated. Especially if the tattooed part is in the lower part of the body then blood will usually go down and flow in the bruised areas. It is advisable while resting to use extra pillows, towels, or even blankets to keep the bruised tattooed area elevated which helps to restore the blood flow and prevents it from clotting in the same area.
  5. Fluid intake – try to drink plenty of water. Also, try to consume vitamin c in juice or fruits that contain citrus. The vitamin helps to repair tissues and speeds up the healing process. You can also have soups and tea without sugar.
  6. Healthy diet – you must not consume any processed food during the healing process. Try to avoid foods that contain sugar. Right foods like garlic and onion help up the healing process.
  7. Less exposure to the sun – you have to make sure while outdoors that the tattooed area is not getting too much exposure to the sun. If you get tattooed on your hand, then try to wear full sleeves and full pants if it is not the leg.
  8. No smoking or alcohol intake – both smoking and drinking alcohol prevents the healing process to be quick. Smoking cigarettes limits your blood flow while drinking alcohol makes your blood thinner. If you do both regularly then try to avoid it for a week at least to observe the healing of the tattoo bruise.
  9. Medical pills – if the bruise causes pain and affects your daily activities then you can try having a pain reliever or ibuprofen. This will help to reduce the pain from the bruise. You can also take iron supplements if you have iron deficiency.

Medical Attention for Tattoo Bruising If Required

Any sort of medical condition that occurs from tattoo bruises is not so common but prevention is better than cure.

You can visit your local doctor if see any of the following conditions on your bruises:

  • If the bruise turns black and blue instead of the usual purple.
  • Excess pain caused by the bruise along with fever, swelling, and redness.
  • If the bruised area gets bigger than usual.
  • If you are having any sort of problem doing your daily activities.
  • The bruised area makes you feel lightheaded or dizzy.


Does tattoo bruising go away?

It usually takes about a week to a month for the tattoo bruise to fade depending on the skin type or condition and location of the of the tattoo in the body. Another factor for the time it takes the bruises to go away is the size of the tattoo.

Is bruising normal after a tattoo?

Tattoo bruising is not something that is expected but it is common to happen to some people. Most of the time it is not harmful. There are few body or medical conditions for which tattoo bruises can happen.

Can a bruise ruin a tattoo?

Bruises never ruin a tattoo. The pain and trauma that is caused by getting a tattoo will eventually heal and fade away. Your skin will get back to its normal state and the tattoo will flourish in its full design and color.

Can I put ice on my tattoo?

Yes, you can but not directly.  The ice has to be wrapped around with a clean towel. This process of healing is called ice compression where you try to apply the ice on the tattoo area to heal properly.

Final Thoughts

Not everyone gets bruises after getting tattooed. It totally depends on a few conditions like the position of the tattoo, the artist’s techniques, medical conditions, and normal occurrence. Any medical condition can also aggravate any bruises that occur after getting tattooed. Bruises are healed naturally but a few steps like doing hold and cold compression, elevation, a healthy diet, no consumption of alcohol or smoking, and medical pills can help to speed up the healing process. For the first time, take some precautions to smoothening the process of getting tattooed.

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