Having a new tattoo is a great experience. It is full of thrill, excitement, and joy, especially when it comes to your new tattoo. But the first few nights are the tough ones because of the healing process of the tattoo. Aftercare must be taken properly in this situation to avoid any kind of damage and irritation on your skin. Initially, it’ll be painful to touch and keep oozing. The wrap or cloth will get loose due to it. Your artist would advise you to unwrap and clean it gently.
But the problem arises when the night comes and you want to sleep. You’d be wondering if can you sleep with a new tattoo uncovered. You’ll notice the tattoo is itchy, sore, and reddish and after a while, you’ll find it is still leaking ink and blood. Perhaps, you’d panic that you might open a wound. As a result, you’ll be sleep deprived. It is not right because sound sleep helps to heal fast.
From my personal experience, I can tell you whether it’s okay to sleep with a new tattoo uncovered or not. But there are a few precautions and aftercare that you have to apply. Altogether they’ll help you to ensure uninterrupted sleep.
Key Takeaways
- Uncovered tattoos are vulnerable to the outer world. There’s a lot of things to consider after it is open.
- If you choose to sleep with your new tattoo uncovered, ensure the best aftercare to get the proper sleep without distorting your tattoo.
- Keep your uncovered tattoo clean and moisturized to promote proper healing and prevent infection.
- You can sleep with a tattoo covered without putting pressure that might ruin the tattoo.
Can You Sleep with a New Tattoo Uncovered?
Sleeping with a new tattoo uncovered can be risky as it can lead to infection or damage to the tattoo. When you first get a tattoo, it’s an open wound, and the top layer of skin is essentially missing, leaving your skin exposed and vulnerable to infection. Therefore, it’s recommended to cover the tattoo with a sterile, non-stick bandage or derma wrap. As an expert on tattoo aftercare, I would strongly advise against sleeping with a new tattoo uncovered.
While it’s generally not recommended to sleep with a new tattoo uncovered, some people may find that it’s more comfortable to sleep without a bandage or wrap. If you choose to sleep with a new tattoo uncovered, it’s important to take extra precautions to ensure the tattooed area is not exposed to potential irritants or contaminants. It is also important to make sure that your new tattoo does not stick to the bedding. This is because the new tattoo is sticky with ink and plasma, which when dried up will not only stain your bedding but also smudge the ink off your new tattoo.
Additionally, if you’re someone who moves around a lot in your sleep or sleeps with a partner or pet, it’s probably best to keep the tattoo covered to prevent accidental rubbing or exposure.
Simple Tips for Sleeping with an Uncovered Tattoo
There is no thumb rule to do it. Yet, it is necessary to make sure the tattoo is cleaned perfectly. Then you have to maintain certain aftercare steps very carefully before you decide to leave and sleep with your tattoo uncovered. Because, when your new tattoo is finally uncovered the next concern is to get a good sleep at night. It is essential because sound sleep smoothens the blood flow and helps to heal faster. However, different tattoo artists will suggest different ways you can sleep with your new tattoo when it’s uncovered. We’ll bring out the major tips to figure out the best way for you.

1. Clean Bed Sheet
It is the most important thing to consider. If your bed sheet is not clean there’s a high possibility of getting severely infected. As we know, in the initial stage the tattoo slowly leaks ink and blood. That’s why it is suggested to use extra bed sheets. Try to pick soft fabric cloths like linen. Wash the sheet with hot water and dry it completely. Make it germ-free before you go to sleep.
2. Elevate the Tattoo Position
You might itch your tattoo in your sleep because it will feel irritated. And for the first few days, the ink and blood will ooze. It could get stuck to the bed sheet as well. That’s why gently place your tattoo area upon a pillow or cushion. Make sure your uncovered tattoo is upward from the flat ground. It keeps the blood flow smooth and protects against rubbing. This elevated position will also reduce the chance of your tattoo getting smudged on the bed sheet.
3. Don’t allow any pets
It sounds odd but you must stay away from your pets when your tattoo is not covered. Even if you don’t keep them in bed. The reason is, they might scratch or lick your tattoo area. It can lead to severe infection on your skin. Another thing is their furs. If the furs come in contact with the tattoo it can cause more damage to the skin because the fur has a chance of getting stuck on the tattoo. So, keep them away from your room for at least 7 to 10 days at least.
4. Firm sleeping posture
Try not to put any pressure on the tattoo. It’s another daunting yet effective tip for sleeping with a new tattoo. Ensure, you sleep facing the opposite side of the tattoo. Don’t move much. For instance, if your tattoo is on the right arm then it’s suggested to sleep on the left side. As a result, your tattoo would get a natural response to heal.
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What Happens When You Sleep With A New Tattoo Uncovered?
A new tattoo is like an open wound. Once the tattoo is uncovered it is open to the outer world. It’ll be prone to open wounds, irritation, and even severe infection that ruins your tattoo. It takes a good amount of time to heal properly and take your skin back to a normal state. From day one it starts the healing process. Though the uncovering of a tattoo is instructed by the artist itself. Once the blood flow stops, there’s no need to keep it covered. Generally, it’s fine to unwrap it after six hours. It is recommended to do so because air is a good friend for tattoo healing.

When you sleep with a new tattoo uncovered it gets breathability. The tattoo becomes dry naturally and starts to peel off from the surface. But there are some risk factors as well. After you uncover it you’ll notice some leak of ink and blood. They might catch up with your bed sheet. You’ll feel stuck to the bed. Another issue is in sleep, we are mostly unconscious; it creates a chance for your tattoo to get itched, or smudged. So, if you sleep with a new tattoo uncovered then these unnecessary frictions are bound to happen. However, with the right precautions you can manage to get a sound sleep.
How to Clean Your Tattoo after It’s Uncovered?
To shield against uncovered tattoo problems, cleaning is the ultimate weapon. Rather, it is the base of all tattoo aftercare. However, if you do it right then most of it is done. Tattoo cleaning is simple to do but it is hard to maintain. This is because for a new tattoo, the cleaning may not be a pleasing experience, but it is the most necessary step that you have to take for tattoo aftercare. To be honest, it brings out blood, plasma, and ink which cause a more painful and sensitive feel on the skin. It’s indeed a venerable phase. I recommend that you clean your tattoo in a separate area altogether. That area has to be for cleaning your tattoo only.

Here are some steps that you will have to follow after opening the first wrap of your tattoo:
- Clean your hands first. Get off from all kinds of possible dirt and dust.
- Slowly wet your tattoo with lukewarm water or cold. Don’t overflow or drown in water.
- Apply antibiotic soap. Gently rub around the surface of the tattoo. Go upward, circular, as per your tattoo pattern. Use your fingers, not any cloth or scrub. However, don’t go rough as it might cause permanent irritation.
- Wash it a few more times and then take a fresh towel and dry pat on the tattoo. Don’t rub it directly, only pat drying so you don’t smudge the ink on your new tattoo.
How to Sleep with Your Tattoo Covered?

Right after the tattoo is done the artist cleans and wraps it with a cling film so that it stays protected from dust, and bacterial infection. Meanwhile, the tattoo sets up on the skin. Some tattoo artists suggest keeping it wrapped for a few days. But it depends on the size and ink of the tattoo. Also, it differs from one artist to another where they will suggest keeping the wrap on from 1 to 3 days. But, you should always wash your new tattoo within the first 24 hours, and then you can rewrap it before going to sleep.
If you choose to sleep with it covered it is completely fine to do so. There’s no extra prevention. The main goal of a new tattoo is to avoid infection. If you sleep with a covered tattoo then there’s literally zero risk of any damage or other issues. Except, when sleeping with a wrapped tattoo make sure you don’t sleep on it. Try to sleep on the opposite side of the tattoo so you don’t put any pressure on it
When can I sleep on a new tattoo?
After 2 weeks you can sleep on your new tattoo. Generally, tattoos heal within two to three weeks. Remember, you can only sleep on it. You can’t go to water, apply soap, or anything else at this stage.
How long should I cover my tattoo at night?
It depends on the size of the tattoo. But generally, it can be recommended anywhere between 1 to 3 days. However, you must wash your new tattoo within the first 24 hours and then you can rewrap it. Consult your tattoo artist about wrapping your tattoo.
Can I sleep under covers with a new tattoo?
No, you have to avoid blankets, or any kind of clothes until your tattoo heals properly. It is better to wait till your tattoo stops leaking and bleeding. Else, your blanket or cover cloth would create a wound out of your fresh tattoo.
Final Thoughts
So, can you sleep with a new tattoo uncovered? The answer is, yes, you can. But you have to make sure that your tattoo is clean properly. Once it is uncovered you must lead the tattoo by careful observation. The first few days would be painful but eventually, it’ll be fine. However, rest assured that your healed tattoo is perfectly safe to use scented lotion on. Take proper precautions to avoid damage and infection. In case of any issues on your tattooed skin, contact your tattoo artists immediately.
It’s also important to note that every tattoo and every person is different, so it’s always best to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your tattoo artist and consult with them if you have any concerns or questions. They can provide you with personalized advice based on your specific situation and tattoo.
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