How To Become A Tattoo Removalist -Beginners Tips

Tattoos have become a phenomenon in the 21st Century. Over 1 in 3 people from the ages of 18 to 29 in the United States alone have a tattoo on their bodies. The public acceptance of tattoos is quite admirable, but for many tattoos have become a problem in the workplace. Some places allow tattoos that can be covered up, but for neck tattoos, it might be difficult to always cover them. That is why alongside the tattoo industry, the tattoo removal industry is also growing!

People have a variety of reasons for wanting to get rid of tattoos. Some don’t like how it looks after a few years, while others want it removed for personal reasons. Whatever the reason may be, you will need to consult a tattoo removalist when you want to get it removed. And if you want to be someone who wants to remove a tattoo, you might be wondering how to become a tattoo removalist. It might be a long and lengthy process but with a bit of patience and studying, you too can become a tattoo removalist by following a few key steps!

Key Takeaways

  • There are many responsibilities of a tattoo removalist which can inspire you to become one if they are what you are looking for in the job.
  • The steps to becoming a certified tattoo removalist are difficult but it will take at least a year before you get your license.
  • There are many things you can expect from a tattoo removal course, both theoretical and hands-on training with actual laser equipment.
  • The starting salary might be low, but with experience and promotion, you can get a respectable yearly salary from being a tattoo removalist.

Responsibilities of a Tattoo Removalist

Responsibilities of a tattoo removalist
Responsibilities of a tattoo removalist

Before getting to the steps of becoming a tattoo removalist, it is important to understand what are your responsibilities as a tattoo removalist. With this, you can have an understanding of what it means to be a tattoo removalist and the responsibilities you will have on the job.

Some of these responsibilities are:

  • Doing consultation: you will be required to consult with potential clients and provide them with information about tattoo removal.
  • Expectations and realities: sometimes, you can’t do a tattoo removal and will need to let the client know why that is so.
  • Emotional intelligence: tattoo removal is personal, so you will need to act accordingly with your client.
  • Handling lasers: high-powered lasers are required for tattoo removal and you will need to be very responsible for their usage.
  • Hygiene: tattoo removal is a medical procedure so you will need to keep up with proper hygiene methods to secure client safety.
  • Organization: you will need to keep all your client data and files secured and organized so you don’t misplace clients’ personal data.
  • Keeping up to date: the tattoo removal industry is a growing industry so you will need to be up to date with all the latest technology and equipment.
  • Medical knowledge: most tattoo removalists need to have a medical background to become one.

These are just some of the important responsibilities you will be facing. There are a ton more that you will be responsible for.

Becoming a Tattoo Removalist: Process

In order to become a tattoo removalist, you will need to follow these steps to successfully become one.

Becoming a tattoo removalist Process
Becoming a tattoo removalist Process

Step 1: Formal Training

There are many ways you can acquire formal training for being a tattoo removalist. You can do courses online or in-person programs at technical schools. In such programs, you will be taught the theories and practices that you will need as a tattoo removalist ranging from laser practices and learning theories about laser interaction with certain types of ink pigments. This formal training lasts about 1 year to 2 years and gives you the basic foundation of tattoo removal. For some states, you will be required to do one that is state-approved to start your journey of becoming a tattoo removalist.

Step 2: Starting a Work Portfolio

For any job, you will definitely need a portfolio of your work. It might be filled right now but it is important to start one now at this stage. It could also benefit you if you were to make one that is digital so that you reach a wider audience with your portfolio as this will be filled with all your work examples of tattoo removals. Having both a digital and physical work portfolio is very important.

Step 3: Mentorship

After finishing your formal training, you will need to find a tattoo removal clinic that takes has a mentorship program. These might cost a bit of money and last a few months at a time. You can bounce around mentorship till you find an expert that you comfortable working because a successful mentorship can help with the next step of the process.

Step 4: Apprenticeship or Internship for Work Experience

Once you are satisfied with a bit of mentorship to understand the actual practices of a tattoo removal clinic, it is time to move on to an apprenticeship or internship at a reputable clinic. During this, you will be learning how to remove tattoos with on-hand experiences that will come in handy when you try to start applying for a license.

Step 5: Getting Your Equipment

During your apprenticeship, you will also need to get your laser equipment to start getting a feel of the lasers. Having your own equipment will also allow you to get in touch with the maintenance of your equipment.

Some things that you will need to know about laser equipment are:

  • Q-switching technology
  • Power ratings of lasers
  • FDA-approved equipment

Step 6: Getting Qualifications

Some states require that you have to be a medical practitioner or an esthetician to actually get a license. There are also specific qualifications like Certified Laser Specialist (CLS) certification, Laser Safety Officer (LSO) certification, and Advanced Tattoo Removal certification. For the medical practitioner, getting a Nurse Practitioner (NP) certification could be enough to satisfy that requirement. It all comes down to what your state or country requires before you apply for a license to be a tattoo removalist.

Step 7: Applying for a License

The final step is getting everything prepared for your license! This means that you will get all your qualifications ranging from certificates to a certain number of hours of supervision under a tattoo removal specialist. Once you get that, you will need to contact your state authorities and start your application for a tattoo removalist license. This can take anywhere from 3 to 6 weeks so be prepared to wait a bit before it gets approved. If it does not get approved the first time, you can always reapply but this time, get everything ready with added certifications if needed.

Steps 4 through 6 can be done simultaneously as there are some states that require you be under the apprenticeship for a certain number of hours. It may also require you to practice for about 100 hours of laser removal on actual clients before you can actually get a license! So you can definitely do all these steps together at your own pace.

And with that, you are now a certified tattoo removalist with a license. Do remember that you will have to keep up with the latest medical procedures and technology in removing a tattoo. You will also have to renew your license every few years as there is an expiry of the license. So every few years redo step 7.

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Expectations from Tattoo Removalist Courses

Expectations from tattoo removalist courses
Expectations from tattoo removalist courses

Tattoo removalist courses are designed to give both the theoretical knowledge of handling lasers, ink interaction and practice with equipment. Here are some of the things that you can expect to be covered during a tattoo removalist course at a certified institute.

  • Laser machines regulation and safety
  • Tattoo ink types, pigments, and placements
  • Laser mechanisms and mechanics
  • Understand the number of treatments
  • Procedure for complications
  • Pre-op and post-op care
  • Laser tattoo removal understanding
  • Effective communication
  • Clinical practices and business handling

Expected Salary of a Tattoo Removalist

Expected salary of a tattoo removalist
Expected salary of a tattoo removalist

The expected salary of a certified tattoo removalist averages around $50,000 per year as a starting salary. This can obviously be higher, ranging from $50,000 at beginner levels to $120,000 for expert tattoo removalists.

Tattoo removal sessions can range anywhere from $200 to $600 per session. Smaller to medium tattoos would require 4 to 6 sessions so you can expect to be paid around 0 to 00 for complete removal. The sessions themselves are short, 30 minutes at the maximum. It is because of the intensity and interaction with the ink.


How long is a tattoo removal course?

A course can be a few weeks to a few months. It will be dependent on the institute you are doing your tattoo removal courses.

Do you need a specific state license to practice in another state?

Yes, you will need specific state licenses to practice in another state. Every state has its own requirement so their licenses will determine that too.

How much is a tattoo removal procedure?

A tattoo removal can cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars depending on how big the tattoo is and how many sessions are required to completely remove it.

Final Thoughts

As a result, you can expect a pretty successful career out of being a tattoo removalist. The steps to get there might be a long, egregious journey but if you really want to be one it will be worth it. The steps are necessary for any start but the application for a license is where it will be determined by your state or country’s requirement so be sure to research the topic. Search for certified institutes and try to get mentorships and internships at reputable places. All these will make the journey a lot easier and a whole lot more enjoyable too!

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